Dr hab Tomasz Hura

Associate Professors
Department of Ecophysiology
(+48) 12 4253301 (wew./ext. 65)
Drought stress • plant phenolics • photosynthetic apparatus • chlorophyll fluorescence • triticale • sweet briar


    • Ostrowska A.
    • Hura K.
    • Hura T.
    • Accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in flag leaves induces effective regeneration of triticale during rehydration after water stress.
    • 2024.
    • Journal of Plant Growth Regulation.
    • Hura T.
    • Hura K.
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Urban K.
    • Toward resilient agriculture and environmental protection: The role of cell wall-bound phenolics.
    • 2023.
    • Journal of Plant Physiology, 287: 54020.
    • Urban K.
    • Hura T.
    • Zastosowanie inhibitorów amoniakoliazy L-fenyloalaniny w badaniach ekofizjologii roślin.
    • 2023.
    • Postępy Biochemii, 69: 11-17.
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Hura K.
    • Hura T.
    • Different patterns of the photosynthetic apparatus recovery during early rehydration following drought stress in two types of intergeneric hybrid of triticale.
    • 2023.
    • Environmental and Experimental Botany, 214: 105475.
    • Hura T.
    • Hura K.
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Drought-stress induced physiological and molecular changes in plants 2.0.
    • 2023.
    • International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24: 1773.
  • View
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Dziurka M.
    • Hura K.
    • Hura T.
    • A delay in the senescence during a rehydration following soil drought is a precondition for limiting yield loss in triticale.
    • 2023.
    • International Agrophysics, 37: 69–78.
  • View
    • Hura T.
    • Hura K.
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Gadzinowska J.
    • Urban K.
    • Pawłowska B.
    • The role of invasive plant species in drought resilience in agriculture: The case of sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa L.).
    • 2023.
    • Journal of Experimental Botany, 74: 2799–2810 .
    • Hura T.
    • Hura K.
    • Sviriz M.
    • Rouco C.
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Gadzinowska J.
    • Urban K.
    • Pawłowska B.
    • Physiological and molecular features predispose native and invasive populations of sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa L.) to colonization and restoration of drought degraded environments.
    • 2022.
    • Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 56: 125690.
more publications



1992-1997: Department of Chemistry Jagiellonian University;
1997: master degree in chemistry, specialization in biological chemistry;
2002: doctor degree at Faculty of Agriculture and Economics of Agricultural Academy in Kraków;
2012: habilitation in agricultural sciences, Agricultural University of Kraków.



2004-2006: holder of CropStress fellowship (EU project), 2004-2005 (6 months), 2005-2006 (5 months), at the Plant Breeding Institute, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.



Plant stress physiology - drought and rehydration (triticale, Rosa rubiginosa L.).



2003-2006: Centre of Research on the Biology of Plants Subjected to Environmental Stress in Sustainable Agricultural Production, CropStress-projekt EU (QLAM-2001-00424). Realization of Task 1, Work Package 1. Twinning with Plant Breeding Institute, Univer sity of Hohenheim. Group of dr. Eva Bauer.



2009: collective award of  the 5th Division of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for studies concerning physiological and biochemical adaptactions to drought stress in maize and triticale.
