Department of Biotechnology
address: Niezapominajek 21, 30-239 Kraków
telephone: (+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ex. 109)
faks: (+48) 12 4251844
Scientific Staff
- Dr Eng. Kinga Dziurka
- Dr Magdalena Grela
- Dr Eng. Katarzyna Juzoń-Sikora
- Dr Eng. Kamila Laskoś
- Prof. Izabela Marcińska
- Dr Agata Nowakowska
- Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Edyta Skrzypek
- Dr hab. Marzena Warchoł
PHD Students
- Androgenesis and wide crossing of cereals
- Endogenous phytohormones regulating the conversion of haploid oat embryos into plants
- Physiological and cytogenetic characterization of oat x maize hybrids
- Phenotyping and identification of QTLs involved in physiological-biochemical processes, yield and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses in crop plants
- Genetic, biochemical and physiological determinants of rye response to drought stress with reference to the influence of epicuticular wax structure
- Optimization of regeneration methods for chosen endangered species and crop plants, with particular emphasis on legumes and cereals
- In vitro culture techniques: callus induction and regeneration, cell suspension cultures, protoplasts isolation, somatic and gametic embryogenesis, production of cereal doubled haploids
- Histological and cytological analyses
- Analysis of plant tissues ploidy by flow cytometry (MACS Quant, Miltenyi Biotec)
- Hydroponic cultures of chosen crop plants
- Plant phenotyping and QTL analysis
- Spectrophotometic/chromatographic analysis of phenolics, polyamines, carbohydrates, proteins, plant pigments, antioxidative enzymes activities
- Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence (Handy PEA, Hansatech)
- Measurement of chlorophyll content (SPAD, Konica Minolta)
- Determination of fatty acids and wax fraction components by gas chromatography
- Obtaining the polish patent no 169824 entitled: Method for culture of fungi containing chitin
- Showing that winter wheat callus is not capable of the vernalisation process, however it transfers the ability of generative development into regenerated plants
- Detection that the repression of genes responsible for the state of generative induction of winter wheat plants occurs in the course of the process of gamete formation during meiosis
- Detection of aromatic cytokinin from BAP group in winter wheat, and correlation of their endogenous content in immature inflorescences and embryos with their ability of generative development
- Enriching the map of wheat with 1445 DArT markers, which allowed to dense the map based on SSR, RFLP and AFLP markers for 472 unique loci. Identification of gene candidates for mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of yield components, chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters and photosynthetic pigments
- Implementation of oat doubled haploid lines obtained using the wide crossing method in breeding programs
- Identification and characterisation of oat x maize hybrids
- Poor conversion of oat haploid embryos into plants was due to their immaturity, their irregular morphology and anatomy as well as low content of endogenous auxins suggest disturbances in auxin signaling
- Rye's response to drought depends not only on the amount and structure of wax, but also on the interactions between the two, the genetic background of plants, and environmental conditions
- 2014 - Distinction of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for outstanding national achievement relevant to the implementation of progress in agricultural practice and realization, implementation and dissemination of the results of scientific work entitled: "Getting the doubled haploid lines of oat (Avena sativa L.) by wide crossing method" awarded to the team of authors: IPP PAS: dr hab. inż. Edyta Skrzypek, prof. dr hab. Izabela Marcińska, dr hab. inż. Ilona Czyczyło-Mysza, dr inż. Kinga Dziurka, dr Agata Nowakowska oraz PB Strzelce Sp. z o.o., Gr. IHAR: dr inż. Zygmunt Nita, inż. Krystyna Werwińska
2021 - Distinction of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development granted for outstanding national achievement in the implementation of progress in agriculture and agricultural markets entitled: "Development of a dietary products sets and food products with high pro-health properties" awarded to the IPP PAS team: dr hab. inż. I. Czyczyło-Mysza (team leader), prof. dr hab. inż. E. Pisulewska, prof. dr hab. inż. F. Janowiak, dr hab. P. Waligórski, dr hab. inż. A. Janeczko, mgr inż. K. Laskoś, dr inż. Sz. Polaszczyk, mgr I. Sadura
2022 - Third Degree Young Researcher Award for mgr inż. K. Laskoś awarded by the Polish Botanical Society for the achievement: Laskoś K., CzyczyłoMysza I.M., Dziurka M., Noga A., Góralska M., Bartyzel J., Myśków B. (2021). Correlation between leaf epicuticular wax composition and structure, physiobiochemical traits and drought resistance in glaucous and non-glaucous near-isogenic lines of rye. Plant J, 108: 93-119
- Ptak A.
- Szewczyk A.
- Simlat M.
- Pawłowska B.
- Warchoł M.
- LED light improves shoot multiplication, steviol glycosides and phenolic compounds biosynthesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in vitro culture.
- 2024.
- Scientific Reports, 14: 30860.
- Juzoń-Sikora K.
- Laskoś K.
- Warchoł M.
- Czyczyło-Mysza I.
- Dziurka K.
- Grzesiak M.
- Skrzypek E.
- Water Relations and Physiological Traits Associated with the Yield Components of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
- 2024.
- Agriculture, 14: 1887.
- Skrzypek E.
- Jakovljević D.
- Warchoł M.
- Attempts to regeneration of oat (Avena sativa L.) plants via androgenesis: Influence of pre-treatment and media composition.
- 2024.
- Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 93: 1-13.
MRiRW nr 3,
Określenie fizjologicznych i biochemicznych wskaźników tolerancji pszenicy ozimej (Triticum aestivum L.) na stres suszy i wysokiej temperatury -
MRiRW nr 4,
Identyfikacja czynników warunkujących indukcję embriogenezy mikrospor u pszenicy zwyczajnej (Triticum aestivum L.) -
Wykonanie prac badawczo-rozwojowych związanych z opracowaniem nowych zestawów dietetycznych bazujących na niezbędnych, nienasyconych kwasach tłuszczowych oraz dodatków, bazujących na kwasach tłuszczowych z grupy NNKT, do wybranych produktów spożywczych celem polepszenia ich wartości odżywczej i sensorycznej