Dr hab Marta Libik-Konieczny

Associate Professors
Department of Stress Biology
(+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ext. 156)
Abiotic stress • reactive oxygen species • signal transduction • morphogenesis in vitro • secondary metabolites ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-0378-2960


    • Wilkens A.
    • Czerniawski P.
    • Bednarek P.
    • Libik-Konieczny M.
    • ATML1 regulates the differentiation of ER body–containing large pavement cells in rosette leaves of Brassicaceae plants.
    • 2024.
    • Plant and Cell Physiology, 65: 1160–1172.
  • View
    • Pistelli L.
    • Libik-Konieczny M.
    • Hasanuzzaman M.
    • Editorial: Plant-microbe interactions and their role in salinity tolerance.
    • 2023.
    • Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1142563.
more publications



2015; habilitation, Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Science, Kraków, Poland

1999; Ph.D, Department of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland        


2018; associate professor, Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland




1994 - 1998; PhD studies, Department of Biology and Earth Sciences of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

1998 - 1999; assistant in the Department of Cytology and Embryology, Institute of Botany of

the Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

1999 - 2005; biologist at the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish

Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland

2005 – 2018; assistant professor at the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the

Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland

2018-present; associate professor at the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland


1999;  Award of the Director of the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków Poland, for doctoral thesis.

2010; Diploma of recognition of the 5th Faculty of Agricultural Forestry and Veterinary Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for research work "Regulation of redox balance in leaf assimilation tissues"  – award for the research team under the direction of Prof. Z. Miszalski.



2021 supervisor of PhD thesis of  Mrs Alwine Wilkens, Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


2020; „The role of plant secondary metabolites in the responce to environmental stress” (lecture) in the phrame of course  „The scientific basis for nature conservation” Doctoral Study of Natural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, Poland


2017-2020; “ Regulatory function of oxidative stress in plants growth and development”

(lecture) in the phrame of course “Coordination of plant growth and development”

(WBNZ898), faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland          



2020-2021 quest editor of Special Issue "Plant Acclimatization to Abiotic Stress" in Plants, MDPI

Constant revisions of articles in: Acta Biologica Cracoviensia series Botanica Acta Physiologiae Plantarum Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Scientia Horticulturae, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry


prof. C-H Yu, 2006-2008, Faculty of Biotechnology, Univeristy of DaYen Da-Tsuen, Changhua. Bilateral Cooperation between Polish Academy of Sciences and National Science Council in Taiwan, Pathogen tolerance conferred by H2O2 generating glucose oxidase by transgenic tabacco


dr hab. Małgorzata Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno 2009-2011, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, Poland, project MNiSW nr N303 356935, Characterisation of MnSODII (MnSODII - like protein) and antioxidant system in competence and determination of rhyzogenesis in  in vitro culture of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.


dr Christine Desel, 2010 – 2011; Institute of Botany,  Kiel University, Germany, project

MNiSW no N303 356935, Characterisation of MnSODII (MnSODII - like protein) and antioxidant system in competence and determination of rhyzogenesis in  in vitro culture of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L,


dr hab. Ewa Capecka, 2011 – present, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, project NCN no 2012/05/B/NZ9/01035, Engegament of oxidative stress in steviol glycosides biosynthesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants

prof. dr hab. Adam Matkowski, 2012-2016; Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland, project NCN no 2012/05/B/NZ9/01035 Engegament of oxidative stress in steviol glycosides biosynthesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants.


prof dr Sabine Lüthje, 2014, Oxidative Stress and Plant Proteomics Group, University of Hamburg, Germany, scholarship funded by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Integrated phenotyping of model and crop plants: Development of experimental setups.

prof. dr Laura Pistelli, 2014 – present; Department of Agricultural Science, Food and Agro-environment, University of Pisa, Italy, project NCN no 2013/09/N/NZ9/01650, Characterisation of antioxidant system and the concentration of gibberellins in Stevia rebaudiana plants regenerated in vitro after transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes.


1991-1992 (6 months) Program Tempus, Manchester University, Great Britain –studies.


1993 (3 months) Program Tempus, University  of Wagenningen, The Netherlands – scientific internship.

2003 (1 month) Program CROPSTRESS Centre of Research on the Biology of Plants Subjected to Environmental Stress in Sustainable Agricultural Production (2003-2006) EU Cropstress QLAM-2001-00424, University of Newcastle, Great Britain-scientific internship.


1996 – 1997 (12 months) fellowship from Italian Government, University of Padua, Italy – scientific internship.


2010 (2 weeks) project KBN N303 356935, Kiel University, Germany, scientific internship.


2014 and 2015 (1 week each year)  project NCN nr 2013/09/N/NZ9/01650, Iniversity in Piza, Italy-scientific internship.


Section b.2: description of the Supervisor’s scientific track record (max. 1.5 pages) (during the last 10 years)


Libik-Konieczny M.,   Michalec-Warzecha Ż.,   Dziurka M.,   Zastawny O.,  Konieczny R.,  Rozpądek P.,  Pistelli L.  2020.   Steviol glycosides profile in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni hairy roots cultured under oxidative stress-inducing conditions.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 104:1-13.

Sadura I., Libik-Konieczny M., Jurczyk B., Gruszka D., Janeczko A. 2020. Plasma membrane ATPase and the aquaporin HvPIP1 in barley brassinosteroid mutants acclimated to high and low temperature. J Plant Physiol 244:153090.


Sadura I., Libik-Konieczny M., Jurczyk B., Gruszka D., Janeczko A. 2020. HSP Transcript and Protein Accumulation in Brassinosteroid Barley Mutants Acclimated to Low and High Temperatures. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21:1889.


Janeczko A., Pociecha E., Dziurka M., Jurczyk B., Libik-Konieczny M., Oklestkova J., Novák O., Pilarska M., Filek M., Rudolphi-Skórska E., Sadura I., Siwek A. 2019. Changes in content of steroid regulators during cold hardening of winter wheat - Steroid physiological/biochemical activity and impact on frost tolerance. Plant Physiol Biochem 139:215-228.


Moravcova S., Tuma J.,  Kovalikova Ducaiova Z.,  Waligórski P.,  Kula - Maximenko M.,  Saja D., Słomka A., Bąba W., Libik-Konieczny M. 2018.. Influence of salicylic acid pretreatment on seeds germination and some defence mechanisms of Zea mays plants under copper stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 122:19-30.


Libik-Konieczny M., Capecka E., Kąkol E., Dziurka M., Grabowska-Joachimiak A.,  Sliwinska E., Pistelli L. 2018. Growth, development and steviol glycosides content in the relation to the photosynthetic activity of several Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni strains cultivated under temperate climate conditions. Scientia Horticulturae. 234. 10-18.


Michalec-Warzecha  Ż., Pistelli  L., D'Angiolillo F., Libik-Konieczny M. 2016. Establishment of highly efficient Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation for Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni explants. Acta biologica Cracoviensia. Series botanica. 58:113-118.


Libik-Konieczny M., Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno M., Michalec-Warzecha Ż., Miszalski Z., Bizan J., Konieczny R., 2017. Influence of anti- and prooxidants on rhizogenesis from hypocotyls of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. cultured in vitro. Acta Physiol Plant 39: 166.  


Kuźniak E., Wielanek M., Chwatko G., Głowacki R., Libik-Konieczny M., Piątek M., Gajewska E., Skłodowska M. 2015. Salicylic acid and cysteine contribute to arbutin-induced alleviation of angular leaf spot disease development in cucumber. J Plant Physiol 181:9-13.


Libik-Konieczny M., Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno M., Desel C., Michalec-Warzecha Ż., Miszalski Z., Konieczny R. 2015. The localization of NADPH oxidase and reactive oxygen species in in vitro-cultured Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. hypocotyls discloses their differing roles in rhizogenesis. Protoplasma 252:477-87.


Miszalski Z., Niewiadomska E., Ślesak I., Surówka E., Libik-Konieczny M. 2004. The facultative halophyte Mesebranthemum crustallinum L. as a model plant in oxidative stress studies. In: Analytical methods in plant stress biology. Filek M., Biesaga-Kościelniak J., Marcińska I. et al. (eds), Institute of Plant Physiology, PAS, Kraków: 77-85.


Surówka E., Latowski D., Libik-Konieczny M., Miszalski Z. 2019. ROS signalling, and antioxidant defence network in halophytes. In: Halophytes and Climate Change: Adaptive Mechanisms and Potential Uses. Hasanuzzaman M. , Shabala S., Fujita M. (eds), CAB International, Boston: 179-195.

Libik-Konieczny M., Kuźniak E., Surówka E., Ślesak I., Nosek M., Miszalski Z. 2020. Crassulacean acid metabolism and its role in plant acclimatization to abiotic stresses and defence against pathogens. In: Progress in Botany. Cánovas F.M., Lüttge U., Leuschner C., Risueno M.-C. (eds), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg: 277-306.




30 June -5 July 2001. 27th FEBS Meeting, Lisbone, Portugal. “C3-CAM transition is accompanied by the stimulated cytochrome respiratory pathway in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. leaves” poster.


12 -14 September 2001. 4th International Conference Ecophysiology of plants production process in stress conditions. Račkova Dolina, Slovakja. “CAM plants as a model stress studies” co-author of oral presentation.


3-4 July 2002. 5th International Conference “Ecophysiological aspects of plant stress” Nitra, Slovakia, ”Activity of some antioxidants enzymes during morphogenic processes in Helianthus annuus cultured in vitro” speaker.


10-13 September 2003. Conference on "Plant Stress, Reactive Oxygen and Antioxidants",

 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany. “CAM induction and oxidative stress in common ice plant” poster.


26-29 September 2005. 2nd Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology Poznań, Poland 4 “Oxidative events accompanying regeneration processes from in vitro cultured hypocotyls of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. poster.


17-20 May 2006. XXVII Conference on Embryology Plants, Animals, Humans. Podlesice, Poland “Metal-tolerant genotype of Viola tricolor L. occurs on calamine spoil heap in Boleslaw in the vicinity of Olkusz (S. Poland)” co-author of oral presentation.


12-15 September 2006. 41st Meeting of the Polish Biochemical Society Białystok, Poland. “Hydrogen peroxide in relation to the mode of photosynthesis” co-author of oral presentation.


10-16 June 2007. 7th International Symposium in the Series: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology Plant Biotechnology: impact on high quality plant production. Stara Leśna, Slovakia “Oxidative markers of rhizogenesis in tissue culture of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.” co-author of oral presentation.


26-30 August 2007. 3th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, Warszawa,  Poland. Interaction of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum with two pathogens: Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae and its impact on antioxidant system” poster.


19-22 September 2007. Seventh International Conference: "Ecophysiological Aspects of Plant

Responses to Stress Factors Kraków, Poland “Activity of some antioxidative enzymes and the level of H2O2 in Viola tricolor L. plants originating from sites contaminated with heavy metals” poster.


21-25 September 2009. 4th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, Kraków, Poland “Hydrogen peroxide generation in leaf veins” co-author of oral presentation.


21-25 September 2009. 4th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology "Experimental Plant Biology. Why not?! “Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Botrytis cinerea interaction depends on the photosynthetic metabolism” poster.


6-9 September 2011. 5th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, Wrocław, Poland “Experimental Plant Biology in 3P, Past Present Perspective

“Distribution of some reactive oxygen species during rhizogenesis in vitro from hypocotyls of

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum l.” speaker.


6-9 September 2011. 5th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology . Experimental Plant Biology in 3P, Past Present Perspectives. Wrocław, Poland. “Botrytis cinerea - induced changes in decarboxylation processes and malate content in C3 or CAM Mesembryanthemum crystallinum plants” poster.


11-12 May 2012. COST Action FA0901 WG1 Meeting "Putting Halophytes to Work - From Genes to Ecosystems", , Toruń, Poland. “Carbon metabolism and defense response of

facultative halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum to infection with fungus Botrytis

cinerea” poster.


4-7 July 2013. 9th International Scientific Congress “A Secure World – Understanding, Trust,

Responsibility” Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum. “Is it possible to replace sugar by steviol glycosides?” poster.


17-19 July 2013. 11th International POG Conference. Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, Warszawa, Poland. “Expression of UDP-dependent glycosyltransferase genes in correlation to steviol glycosides presence in Stevia rebaudiana” poster.


23-24 October 2013. 3rd International Horticultural Conference for post-graduate students. Lednice, Czech. „Preliminary studies on Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants cultivated in the field conditions of southern Poland” poster.


19-20 June 2014. 6th World Congress on Stevia. Stevia Tasteful 2014: The subtle balance Science, Formulation and Exhibition Berlin, Germany. “Photosynthetic activity of Stevia rebaudiana plants from in vitro and ex vitro conditions and its relation to the accumulation of steviol glycosides” poster.


26- 29 May 2014. 9th International symposium on chromatography of natural products. The application of analytical methods for the development of natural products. Lublin, Poland. “ Profiling of diterpenoid glycosides in Stevia rebaudiana using UPLC/MS/MS analysis” poster.


19-24 April 2015. 6th International Ishs-PEMP Symposium. San Remo, Italy. “Establishment of hairy root culture from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni explants” poster

27 June–3 July 2016. 57th  Congress of the Polish Botanical Society, Botany -Tradition and modernity. Lublin, Poland. “Changes in the expression of germin-like protein from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum l. indicate its distinct role in the adaptation to various environmental stresses” co-author of oral presentation.

7 – 9 December 2016. X Conference „In Vitro Cultures In Plant Physiology” Krakow, Poland. “ Engagement of light stress and osmotic stress on steviol glycosides biosynthesis and accumulation in hairy roots from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni” co-author of oral presentation.

13-15 September 2017. 10th EUSTAS Stevia Symposium Pisa, Italy. “Studies on the efficiency of Stevia rebaudiana B. cultivation in the climate conditions of southern Poland” co-author of oral presentation.

19-22 September 2017. Biotechnology of Plant Products. Green for Good IV. Olomouc, Czech. ”Oxidative stress level during the induction of regeneration potential in in vitro cutured hairy roots of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum” poster

19-22 September 2017. Biotechnology of Plant Products. Green for Good IV. Olomouc, Czech. “Expression profile, subcellular localization and possible functio of germin-like protein from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. In salt and water-deficit stress” poster

16 - 17 April 2018. 7th International Conference for young researchers: Multidirectional Research in Agriculture, Forestry and Technology, Kraków, Poland. “Acclimation of brassinosteroid-deficient barley mutants to high and low temperature. Accumulation of membrane-bound proteins” poster.

12 – 15 September  2018. 11th  International Conference: Plant Functioning Under Environmental Stress. Kraków, Poland. “Acclimation of barley brassinosteroid mutants to high temperature. Expression of HSP genes” poster.

12 – 15 September 2018. 11th  International Conference: Plant Functioning Under Environmental Stress. Kraków, Poland. Kraków, Polska. “Morphophysiological studies on the effect of light on rhizogenesis in in vitro culture of Mesembryantheum crystallinum” poster.

12 – 15 September 2018. 11th  International Conference: Plant Functioning Under Environmental Stress. Kraków, Poland. “MnSOD-like protein, a mysterious protein with superoxide dismutase activity” poster.


9-12 September 2019. 9th Conference of the Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, Toruń, Poland. „Silicon ions as a factor regulating the accumulation of selected aquaporins in the leaves of Brassica napus var. napus L. in the response to a periodic shortage of water in the soil” poster.


9-12 September 2019. 9th Conference of the Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, Toruń, Poland. “Germin-like protein from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (McGLP) exhibits superoxide dismutase activity and enhances resistance to dehydration” poster.


2000-2003, State Committee for Scientific Research in Poland (no 6P04C 003 20). The engagement of respiratory processes in plant response to oxidative stress, (contractor). 150 000 PLN


2000-2003, State Committee for Scientific Research in Poland (no 6P04F 034 20). The effects of ozone and NaCl on anti-oxidant system in CAM plants, (contractor). 143 500 PLN


2001-2005, State Committee for Scientific Research in Poland (no 3P04C 064 23). The role of reactive oxygen species in stress response in a plant with transient metabolism C3-CAM Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, (contractor). 152 200 PLN


2006-2008, Bilateral Cooperation between Polish Academy of Sciences and National Science

Council in Taiwan, faculty of Biotechnology Univeristy of DaYen Da-Tsuen, Changhua. Pathogen tolerance conferred by H2O2 generating glucose oxidase by transgenic tobacco, (contractor). 145 000 PLN


2007-2010, Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Eductaion (no N30308331/2685). Sensitivity of C3-CAM transition plants type to stress factors, an example of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, (contractor). 266 070 PLN


2008-2011, Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Eductaion (no N303 356935). Characterisation of MnSODII (MnSODII - like protein) and antioxidant system in competence and determination of rhyzogenesis in  in vitro culture of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L, (leader) 193 145 PLN


2009-2012 COST FA0605 (INPAS) action (no 556/NCOST/2009/0). Physico-chemical indicators of polyamine interactions with other antioxidants in conditions of drought stress and salinity, (contractor). 507 000 PLN


2010-2013, Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Eductaion (no N310 302339) Integration of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur metabolism in cucumber after Pseudomonas syringae pv. Lachrymans infection in conditions of natural defensive reactions elicitation with varying nitric fertilization, (contractor). 300 000 PLN


2013-2016, National Science Centre (no 2012/05/B/NZ9/01035). Engegament of oxidative stress in steviol glycosides biosynthesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants, (leader). 475 600 PLN


2014-2016, National Science Centre (no 2013/09/N/NZ9/01650). Characterisation of antioxidant system and the concentration of gibberellins in Stevia rebaudiana plants regenerated in vitro after transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, (contractor). 96310 PLN


2016-2019, National Science Centre (no 2015/17/B/NZ9/01695). Mutants of barley with disturbances of synthesis and signaling of brassinosteroids in studies of temperature stress, (contractor) 484 090 PLN