Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Edyta Skrzypek

Department of Biotechnology
(+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ext. 216)
Micropropagation of fabaceae • androgenesis of lupins and cereals • wide crossing of cereals


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1990 -1995 study at the Faculty of Agronomy, Agricultural University (now University of Agriculture) in Kraków; semestral training in Germany (Gebr. Dippe Saatzucht GmbH)

1993 -1995 Pedagogical Studies at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków

1995 master and engineer's degree in agricultural sciences, plant physiology at the Faculty of Agronomy, Agricultural University in Kraków

2002 doctor's degree in agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology at the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Kraków

2013 habilitation in the field of agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology at the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Kraków

2019 professor's title in agricultural sciences



1995 biologist at the Department (now Institute) of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków (IPP PAS)

1996 - 2002 research assistant  at IPP PAS

2002 - 2015 adiunkt at IPP PAS

2003 - 2004 holder of fellowship founded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at the Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

2008 teacher at the primary school in Jerzmanowice

2015 - 2019 associate professor at IPP PAS

since 2019 professor at IPP PAS



Head of Department of Biotechnology in IPP PAS (2011 - 2020)

Member of Scientific Council of IPP PAS (since 2014)

Scientific secretary of Scientific Council of IPP PAS (2015 - 2018)

Deputy Director for Scientific Research of IPP PAS (2021)



The role of abiotic stress in cells differentiation and regeneration of selected crop plants in in vitro conditions.

Androgenesis, wide crosses of cereals.



Tissue cultures of crop plants.

Androgenesis, wide crossing of wheat and oat.

Spectrometric analysis of phenolic compounds, saccharides, some growth regulators and antioxidative enzymes.

Cytometric analysis of plant ploidy.



Member of organizing committee of Scientific Conferences “Application of  in vitro cultures in plant physiology" (since 2008)



Supervisor of 3 MSc theses and reviewer of: 6 PhD theses, 5 MSc theses and 4 Eng. theses

Supervisor of PhD theses at Doctoral Studies in Natural Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków:

  • Reactions of pea, yellow lupine and faba bean to soil drought stress (dr eng. Katarzyna Juzoń, 2015)
  • Identification and physiological characteristics of oat (Avena sativa L.) x maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids obtained by wide crossing (dr eng. Angelika Noga, 2022)



Skrzypek E. The role of phenolic compounds and antioxidant enzymes in in vitro regeneration of selected Fabaceae species. Monografie 15. Wyd. IFR PAN, Kraków 2012, ISBN 978-83-86878-29-1, s.141 (in Polish)



Skrzypek E., Czyczyło-Mysza I., Wędzony M. 2011. Micropropagation. In: Pratap A., Kumar J. (Eds), Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes, CABI Wallingford, United Kingdom, 147-158

Skrzypek E. Kwas jasmonowy. W: Fizjologia Roślin Sadowniczych. Jankiewicz L.S., Lipecki J.,(Ed), PWN Warszawa 2011, 39-44

Skrzypek E. Kwas salicylowy. W: Fizjologia Roślin Sadowniczych. Jankiewicz L.S., Lipecki J.,(Ed), PWN Warszawa 2011, 44-47

Skrzypek E., Warchoł M., Czyczyło-Mysza I., Juzoń K., Dziurka K., Marcińska I. (2021). Oat Doubled Haploid Production Through Wide Hybridization with Maize. In: Segui-Simarro J.M. (eds) Doubled Haploid Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2287: 323-332, Humana, New York, NY.

Warchoł M., Dziurka K., Czyczyło-Mysza I., Juzoń K., Marcińska I., Skrzypek E. (2021). Oat (Avena sativa L.) Anther Culture. In: Segui-Simarro J.M. (eds) Doubled Haploid Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2287:313-322. Humana, New York, NY.

Jakovljević D., Skrzypek E., Stanković M., Warchoł M. (2023). Phytochemical Diversity and Biological Activity of Basil (Ocimum L.) Secondary Metabolites Produced In Vitro. In: Kumar, N., S. Singh, R. (eds) Biosynthesis of Bioactive Compounds in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Food Bioactive Ingredients. Springer, Cham.



1999 travel grant from FEBS for 26th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies

2000 travel grant from Warsaw Scientific Society and Stefan Batory Foundation for 12th Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology (FESPP)

2002 PhD thesis with distinction from University of Agriculture in Kraków and award from Director of IPP PAS

2014 distinction from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the achievements in the field of agriculture, rural development, agricultural markets and fishery. Topic: Obtaining of oat (Avena sativa L.) doubled haploid lines by the wide crossing method. Authors: IPP PAS: dr hab. inż. Edyta Skrzypek, prof. dr hab. Izabela Marcińska, dr hab. inż. Ilona Czyczyło-Mysza, dr Kinga Dziurka, dr Agata Nowakowska, SHR Sp. z o.o., Gr. IHAR: dr inż. Zygmunt Nita, inż. Krystyna Werwińska

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SCOPUS AUTHOR ID: 24281935000