Dr Iwona Sadura-Berg
Department of Developmental Biology
(+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ext. 130)

- Stachurska J.
- Sadura-Berg I.
- Jurczyk B.
- Rudolphi-Szydło E.
- Dyba B.
- Pociecha E.
- Ostrowska A.
- Ryś M.
- Kvasnica M.
- Oklestkova
- Janeczko A.
- Cold acclimation and deacclimation of winter oilseed rape, with special attention being paid to the role of brassinosteroids.
- 2024.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 6010.
- Sadura-Berg I.
- Janeczko A.
- Are heat shock proteins important in low-temperature-stressed plants? A minireview .
- 2024.
- Agronomy, 14: 1296.
- Stachurska J.
- Sadura I.
- Ryś M.
- Dziurka M.
- Janeczko A.
- Insight into hormonal homeostasis and the accumulation of selected heat shock proteins in cold acclimated and deacclimated winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.).
- 2023.
- Agriculture, 13: 641.
- Rudolphi-Szydło E.
- Dyba B.
- Janeczko A.
- Latowski D.
- Sadura I.
- Filek M.
- Brassinosteroid‑lipid membrane interaction under low and high temperature stress in model systems.
- 2022.
- BMC Plant Biology, 22: 246.
- Sadura I.
- Janeczko A.
- Brassinosteroids and the tolerance of cereals to low and high temperature stress: photosynthesis and the physicochemical properties of cell membranes.
- 2022.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23: 342.
- Sadura I.
- Brasinosteroidy – hormony roślinne XXI wieku.
- 2021.
- PWN Nauka, 2: 9-12.
- Skórka P.
- Banach A.
- Banasiak M.
- Bokalska-Rajba J.
- Bonk M.
- Czachura P.
- García-Rodríguez A.
- Gaspar G.
- Hordyńska N.
- Kaczmarczyk A.
- Laskoś K.
- Kociński M.
- Łopata B.
- Mazur E.
- Mirzaei M.
- Misiewicz A.
- Parres A.
- Przystałkowska A.
- Pustkowiak S.
- Raczyński M.
- Sadura I.
- Splitt A.
- Stanek M.
- Sternalski J.
- Wierzbicka A.
- Wiorek M.
- Zduńczyk P.
- Congruence between the prioritisation of conservation problems at the local and national scale: An evaluation by environmental scientists in Poland.
- 2021.
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 35317–35326.
- Laskoś K.
- Pisulewska E.
- Waligórski P.
- Janowiak F.
- Janeczko A.
- Sadura I.
- Polaszczyk Sz.
- Czyczyło-Mysza I.
- Herbal additives substantially modify antioxidant properties and tocopherol content of cold-pressed oils.
- 2021.
- Antioxidants, 10: 781.
- Sadura I.
- Latowski D.
- Oklestkova J.
- Gruszka D.
- Chyc M.
- Janeczko A.
- Molecular dynamics of chloroplast membranes isolated from wild-type barley and a brassinosteroid-deficient mutant acclimated to low and high temperatures.
- 2021.
- Biomolecules, 11: 27.
- Gruszka D.
- Pociecha E.
- Jurczyk B.
- Dziurka M.
- Oliwa J.
- Sadura I.
- Janeczko A.
- Insights into metabolic reactions of semi-dwarf, barley brassinosteroid mutants to drought.
- 2020.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 5096.
- Rudolphi-Szydło E.
- Sadura I.
- Filek M.
- Gruszka D.
- Janeczko A.
- The impact of mutations in the HvCPD and HvBRI1 genes on the physicochemical properties of the membranes from barley acclimated to low/high temperatures.
- 2020.
- Cells, 9: 1125.
- Sadura I.
- Libik-Konieczny M.
- Jurczyk B.
- Gruszka D.
- Janeczko A.
- HSP transcript and protein accumulation in brassinosteroid barley mutants acclimated to low and high temperatures.
- 2020.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 1889.
- Sadura I.
- Libik-Konieczny M.
- Jurczyk B.
- Gruszka D.
- Janeczko A.
- Plasma membrane ATPase and the aquaporin HvPIP1 in barley brassinosteroid mutants acclimated to high and low temperature.
- 2020.
- Journal of Plant Physiology, 244: 153090.
- Sadura I.
- Pociecha E.
- Dziurka M.
- Oklestkova J.
- Novak O.
- Gruszka D.
- Janeczko A.
- Mutations in the HvDWARF, HvCPD and HvBRI1 genes-involved in brassinosteroid biosynthesis/signalling: altered photosynthetic efficiency, hormonal homeostasis and tolerance to high/low temperatures in barley.
- 2019.
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38: 1062-1081.
- Janeczko A.
- Pociecha E.
- Dziurka M.
- Jurczyk B.
- Libik-Konieczny M.
- Oklestkova J.
- Novak O.
- Pilarska M.
- Filek M.
- Rudolphi-Skórska E.
- Sadura I.
- Siwek A.
- Changes in content of steroid regulators during cold hardening of winter wheat - steroid physiological/biochemical activity and impact on frost tolerance.
- 2019.
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 139: 215-228.
- Sadura I.
- Janeczko A.
- Physiological and molecular mechanisms of brassinosteroid-induced tolerance to high and low temperature in plants.
- 2018.
- Biologia Plantarum, 62: 601-616.
Physiological basis of the disturbances in frost tolerance of winter oilseed rape as a result of deaclimation processes – role of brassinosteroids -
Wykonanie prac badawczo-rozwojowych związanych z opracowaniem nowych zestawów dietetycznych bazujących na niezbędnych, nienasyconych kwasach tłuszczowych oraz dodatków, bazujących na kwasach tłuszczowych z grupy NNKT, do wybranych produktów spożywczych celem polepszenia ich wartości odżywczej i sensorycznej -
2018/31/N/NZ9/02430 PRELUDIUM,
Brassinosteroids as factors modifying the molecular dynamics of model membranes and membranes isolated from barley plants. -
Mutants of barley with disturbances of synthesis and signaling of brassinosteroids in studies of temperature stress
PhD degree in the field of agricultural sciences, discipline of agriculture and horticulture (The Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, Poland)
Title of PhD thesis: „The role of brassinosteroids in the acclimation processes of barley plants to low and high temperatures.”
Master's degree in chemistry; specialization: biological chemistry (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, Faculty of Chemistry)
2021 – now - Assistant Proffesor at the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow
2019 – 2021 - employment at the scientific and technical position at the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow
2016 – 2019 - employment at the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow as part of the NCN OPUS 9 project "Mutants of barley with disturbances of synthesis and signaling of brassinosteroids in studies of temperature stress" (PhD student)
Leader of the project "Brasinosteroids as factors modifying the molecular dynamics of model membranes and membranes isolated from barley plants", National Science Center PRELUDIUM16 No. 2018/31/N/NZ9/02430, 2019-2021.
Contractor in the NCN OPUS 26 project (2023/51/B/NZ2/00691) "Characterization of mechanisms regulating adaptation and reproductive development of semi-dwarf, brassinosteroid mutants of barley during their response to drought exerted during spike development". 2024-2027
Contractor in the NCN OPUS 18 project (2019/35/B/NZ9/02868) "Physiological basis of the disturbances in frost tolerance of winter oilseed rape as a result of deaclimation processes - role of brassinosteroids. 2020-2023.
Contractor in the project NCBiR POIR.02.03.02-IP.03-00-001/19 - Bony na innowacje "Research and development aimed at the preparation of new dietary solutions based on essential unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) and herbal additives, also based on fatty acids from the EFA group, for selected food products with the goal of improving their nutritional and sensory value ”. 2020.
Contractor in the NCN OPUS 5 project (2013/09/B/NZ9/01653) "The share of steroids in the regulation of the frost-hardening process of winter wheat". 2014-2017.
Contractor in the project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development "Biological Progress" "Research on the influence of brassinosteroids on the tolerance of barley plants to the stress of water scarcity". 2014-2018.
Contractor in the international project "Interplay between steroids in regulation of wheat generative development" as part of bilateral cooperation with Laboratory of Growth Regulators, Palacký University Olomouc & Institute of Experimental Botany Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Olomouc, Czech Republic. 2017-2019.
Contractor in the NCN OPUS 9 project (2015/17/B/NZ9/01695) "Mutants of barley with disturbances of synthesis and signaling of brassinosteroids in studies of temperature stress". 2016-2019.
Award for a young scientist for the best publication at the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2022, awarded by the Director of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow
The distinction of the doctoral dissertation awarded in 2021 by the Scientific Council of the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Awarded Achievement: doctoral dissertation: „The role of brassinosteroids in the acclimation processes of barley plants to low and high temperatures.”
Laureate of the #NCNWinners project organized by the National Representation of PhD Students
brassinosteroids • abiotic stress (temperature stress) • plant development • barley • hormonal management • cell membranes • heat shock proteins