Dr hab Maciej Grzesiak

Associate Professors
Department of Ecophysiology
(+48) 12 4253301 (wew./ext. 58)
Abiotic stresses • physiological indexes of plant susceptibility to stress factors


more publications



1994-1999 – Department of Chemistry Jagiellonian University

1999 – Master Degree in Chemistry

1999 – 2007 – Assistant at the Institute of Plant Physiology

2004 – Doctor degree at Faculty  of Agriculture and Economics of Agricultural Academy in Kraków

2013 - Habilitation in biological sciences at Faculty of Geography and Biology, Pedagogical University in Kraków


Physiological mechanisms of plants responses to water stress (soil drought, flooding)


Measurements of gas exchange parameters (CIRAS-2, ADC, Licor)
Measurements of chlorophyl fluorescence parameters (Perkin Elmer PS50, Handy PEA, FSM-2)
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the root system (Root-box Pin Board Method)
Plants hydraulic conductance measurement (High Pressure Flow Meter)


2019-2021 Principal investigator in NCN Grant no. 2018/29/B/NZ9/01510 "Changes in the intentsity if selected physiological, biochemical and molecular processes caused by simultaneous exposure to soil compaction and soil drought stresses in single-cross maize hybrids differing is a susceptibility to both stresses "

2011-2013, KBN/NCN project, "Physiological, biochemical and morphological response of triticale and maize to soil compaction stress and interaction with drought or flooding stress", nr N N310 782540, project supervisor

"Ecophysiological reasons of different reactions to drought leguminous plant", grant KBN  nr 5 S301 036 04

"The influence of drought on growth and yield spring triticale plants (Triticosecale Wittmack) in particular on the plants root system” grant KBN Nr 5 P06A 02817

"Functional Genomic for Drought Stress Genes", NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant (No 978261)
„Application of selected spectrofluorescence parameters of chlorophyll in estimation of drought tolerance different single-cross maize hybrids (Zea mays l.) P06A 001 26


Polish Botanical Society (PTB)

Polish Society for Experimental Plant Biolology (PTBER)

Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists (CSPP)



Supervisor of the 10 Master Theses and 3 PhD theses

Supervisor of Piotr Szczyrek's Doctoral Thesis



6th International Conference “Ecophysiological aspects of plant responses to stress factors”. Kraków 2005. 3 place in the young scientiscts competition for the best oral presentation

6th International Conference “Ecophysiological aspects of plant responses to stress factors”. Kraków 2005. 2 place in the young scientiscts competition for the best poster presentation

7th International Conference “Ecophysiological aspects of plant responses to stress factors”. Kraków 2007. 3 place in the young scientiscts competition for the best oral presentation

2009 collective award of  the 5th Division of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for studies concerning physiological and biochemical adaptactions to drought stress in maize and triticale