Prof. dr. hab Jolanta Biesaga-Kościelniak
- Dziurka M.
- Kubica P.
- Kwiecień I.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Ekiert H.
- Abdelmohsen SAM
- Al-Harbi FF
- Elansary D.O.
- Elansary H.O.
- Szopa A.
- In vitro Cultures of some medicinal plant species (Cistus x incanus, Verbena officinalis, Scutellaria lateriflora, and Scutellaria baicalensis) as a rich potential source of antioxidants-evaluation by CUPRAC and QUENCHER-CUPRAC assays.
- 2021.
- Plants, 10: 454.
- Dziurka M.
- Maksymowicz A.
- Ostrowska A.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- The interaction effect of drought and exogenous application of zearalenone on the physiological, biochemical parameters and yield of legumes.
- 2020.
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 40: 1824–1835.
- Tarkowská D.
- Filek M.
- Krekule J.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Marcińska I.
- Popielarska-Konieczna M.
- Strnad M.
- The dynamics of cytokinin changes after grafting of vegetative apices on flowering rapeseed plants.
- 2019.
- Plants, 8: 78.
- Ostrowska A.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Grzesiak M.
- Hura T.
- Physiological responses of spring wheat to 5-aminolevulinic acid under Water stress applied at seedling stage.
- 2019.
- Cereal Research Communications, 47: 32–41.
- Filek M.
- Sieprawska A.
- Kościelniak J.
- Oklestkova J.
- Jurczyk B.
- Telk A.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Janeczko A.
- The role of chloroplasts in the oxidative stress induced by zearalenone in wheat plants – The function of 24-epibrassinolide and selenium in protective mechanisms.
- 2019.
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 137: 84-92.
- Gudys K.
- Guzy-Wrobelska J.
- Janiak A.
- Dziurka M.
- Ostrowska A.
- Hura K.
- Jurczyk B.
- Żmuda K.
- Grzybkowska D.
- Śróbka J.
- Urban W.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Filek M.
- Koscielniak J.
- Mikołajczak K.
- Ogrodowicz P.
- Krystkowiak K.
- Kuczyńska A.
- Krajewsk P.
- Szarejko I.
- Prioritization of candidate genes in QTL regions for physiological and biochemical traits underlying drought response in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
- 2018.
- Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 769.
- Filek M.
- Sieprawska A.
- Oklestkova J.
- Rudolphi-Skórska E.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Miszalski Z.
- Janeczko A.
- 24-Epibrassinolide as a modifier of antioxidant activities and membrane properties of wheat cells in zearalenone stress conditions.
- 2018.
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 37: 1-14.
- Janeczko A.
- Biesaga-Kościelniak J.
- Dziurka M.
- Filek M.
- Hura K.
- Jurczyk B.
- Kula M.
- Oklestkova J.
- Novak O.
- Rudolphi-Skórska E.
- Skoczowski A.
- Biochemical and physicochemical background of mammalian androgen activity in winter wheat exposed to low temperature.
- 2018.
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 37: 199-219.
Structural-funcjonal modifications in natural and model cell membranes of wheat exposed on Fusarium toxin (zearalenone) - studies of selenium and brassinosteroid protective properties. -
Analysis of efficiency of antioxidant system under stress -
Examination of the osmotic adaptation to drought -
NN310 452238,
Improvement of quality and quantity of crop of Fabaceae plants with to use new bioregulators -
HOR hn - 078 dec/8/10,
Development and implementation of the method of wheat doubled haploid production
19717-1976 study at the Faculty of Agronomy, Agricultural University
(now University of Agriculture) in Kraków
1976 master and engineer's degree in agricultural sciences
1994 doctor's degree in agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology
2001 habilitation in the field of agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology
2009 professor in the field of agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology
1982-1990 assistant and senior research assistant at the Department (now Institute)
of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków (IPP PAS)
1990-1994 adiunkt at IPP PAS
2002 – 2009 - docent at IPP PAS
2011 - professor of IPP PAS
Member of Scientific Council of IPP PAS (since 2002)
Head of Department of Developmental Biology in IPP PAS (since 2004)
Deputy director for scientific research of IPP PAS (2008-2012)
Director of IPP PAS (2012 - 2016)