Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Ilona Czyczyło-Mysza

Department of Biotechnology
(+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ext. 109)
Drought stress • phenotyping • quantitative traits loci (QTL) • epicuticular wax • tissue cultures in vitro plants • double haploids of wheat and oat


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1992-1997 Agricultural University in Kraków, Poland, Faculty of Agriculture, Speciality: applied biology, plant biochemistry and physiology.

1992-1997 Courses in Biology, Jagiellonian University

1995-1997 Pedagogical Studies at The Academy of Mining and Metalurgy in Kraków, Speciality: biology and chemistry

1995 master and engineer's degree in agricultural sciences, plant physiology at the Faculty of Agronomy, Agricultural University in Kraków

1997- 2001 PhD studies at the Agricultural University of Kraków

2002 doctor's degree in agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology at the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Kraków

2014 habilitation in the field of agricultural sciences, agronomics-plant physiology at the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, University of Agriculture in Kraków

2024 professor's title in agricultural sciences


1997 – 2002 biologist at the Department (now Institute) of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków (IPP PAS)

2003 - 2016 adiunkt at IPP PAS

2016 - 2019 associate professor of IPP PAS

since 2019 institute professor at IPP PAS


Head of Department of Biotechnology in IPP PAS (since 2021)

Coordinator of cooperation with the Malopolska Centre of Science "Cogiteon" (from 2020)

Deputy Head of Department of Biotechnology in IPP PAS (2011-2020)

Member of Scientific Council of IPP PAS (since 2015)


Productivity of legumes - PhD dissertation (2002) entitled “Mechanisms of yielding in field bean (Vicia faba L. minor)”.

Tissue cultures of  leguminous including attempts to develop protocol of Doubled haploid lines production for lupin.

Since 2006, scientific cooperation with prof. Steve Quarrie (Visiting Professor, Newcastle University Business School, United Kingdom) in the study: Location of the genes loci for quantitative traits (QTL) associated with wheat plants resistant to drought using markers and the mapping population of doubled haploid lines in correlation with  physiological indicators.

Analysis of mutations disrupting the formation of the wax layer in rye, and assessment of their impact on morphological, biochemical and physiological traits.


Screening methods: cereals phenotyping for QTL mapping and genetic maps, including analysis of resistant level against drought stress of genotypes or cultivars on the basis physiological and biochemical parameters, such as, for example: chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and determination of: chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, proline, phenolic compounds and saccharides.

Tissue cultures of crop plants, mainly: field bean, lupin, wheat and oat.

QTL Analysis - software WinQTLCartographer v 2.5


Supervisor of 2 master’s theses, reviewer of 1 master’s thesis at the H. Kołłątaj University of Agriculture In Kraków.

Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral dissertations at the Doctoral School of Natural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków:

  • “Response of pea, yellow lupine and faba bean plants to soil drought stress” (Katarzyna Juzoń, PhD, Eng., 2015) – Co-supervisor
  • Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) determining yield size and wheat sugar content under soil drought conditions (Katarzyna Cyganek PhD, 2018) – Supervisor
  • Biochemical and physiological analysis of near-isogenic rye lines (Secale cereale L.) differing in wax coating under soil drought conditions (Kamila Kapłoniak MSc, Eng., in progress) – Supervisor

Supervisor of trainees and interns

Scientific supervision over trainees and interns from the Jagiellonian University, the Pedagogical University and the University of Agriculture in Kraków and the Employment Office

Classes with pupils and students

1997-2001 – As a PhD student, I conducted or participated in conducting practical classes in plant physiology for students of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Agricultural University (currently – the University of Agriculture).

2004-2005 – Scientific supervisor of the Farmers Science Club, Section of Physiology and Biochemistry of the Agricultural University (currently – the University of Agriculture).

2012 – Promotion of the Institute’s scientific activity for primary school No. 72 in Kraków.

2016-2017 – Participation in a secondary school educational project entitled “The impact of stress on the growth of plants from the family Fabaceae” in the 1st lower secondary School of the Pijarist Sisters in Kraków

lower secondary school project – pupil speech

lower secondary school project – description

2016 – Lecture at the Doctoral School of Natural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków, unit: Scientific Basics of Nature Conservation, lecture title: “DH populations as objects for Mapping and Quantitative Trait Analysis”.

2017 – Conducting lectures and classes as part of postgraduate studies “Modern methods in plant improvement” for graduates of agricultural and natural science studies, organized by the University of Agriculture in Kraków, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics.

2017 – Preparation and conducting of nature workshops “Do you know what you are eating?” for the 2nd class of the J. Kalasancjusz Public Primary School of the Pijarist Sisters in Kraków

2018, 2019, 2020 – Lectures and classes at postgraduate studies in Biology, in the subject of Biotechnology: “Biotechnology yesterday, today and tomorrow. Practical use of traditional biotechnology. Division of modern biotechnology”, ”Application of in vitro cultures in biotechnology. The application of in vitro cultures in plant breeding, medicine, genetic engineering”, ”Contemporary biotechnology. The latest developments in biotechnology. The utilization of modern biotechnology in environmental protection, medicine and industry“. Centrum Usług Dydaktycznych Sp. z o.o, Rzeszów.

2018, 2019Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University in Kraków, classes (4 hours) as part of the “Plant Biotechnology” course: “Modern methods of plant improvement. Application of physiological and biochemical markers in QTL analysis“

2019 – Workshops for 4th class pupils of the Public Primary School of the Piarist Sisters in Kraków concerning in vitro plant cultures, learning to work in a laminar flow chamber and establishing a cell culture of Begonia rex.

2019 – Workshops for primary school students on in vitro plant tissue cultures, learning to work in a laminar flow chamber and establishing Begonia tissue culture (2019),

2019 – Workshops for the 1st class pupils of the Public Primary School of the Piarist Sisters in Kraków, including familiarization with laboratory work, microscopic preparations, recognition of seeds and their analysis with a magnifying glass, learning about liquid nitrogen properties and preparation of tomato and basil seedlings.

2019 – Workshops for primary school students, including familiarization with laboratory work, preparation of microscopic slides, recognition of seeds and their analysis with a magnifying glass, learning the properties of liquid nitrogen and making tomatoes and basil seedlings,

2019 – Workshops for 1st class pupils of the Secondary Technical School at the Agricultural School Complex of the Continuing Education Center in Czernichów, entitled “Science in Glass: Theory and Practice of Modern Plant Physiology.”

2019 – Workshops for the secondary school students entitled “Science in glass: theory and practice of modern plant physiology.”

2020 – Participation in the 1st Subcarpathian Biological Marathon; lecture entitled: “Science in glass – plant in vitro culture” (1st Subcarpathian Biological Marathon in Jagiełła; 1st Subcarpathian Biological Marathon)


Member of organizing committee of Scientific Conferences “Application of  in vitro cultures in plant physiology" (since 2008)


2006 – At present, collaboration with Prof. Steve Quarrie, Visiting Professor, Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability, and the Business School, Newcastle University, United Kingdom (2003-2021), and Guest Professor at Biology faculty, University of Belgrade, Serbia from 2009.

od 2015- At present, collaboration with Prof. Sofija Pekic Quarrie, Dr. Dragana Rančić Serbia: Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade, Department of Agrobotany

2009 – 2011, 2019, 2020, collaboration with Dr. Joanna Jankowicz-Cieślak z Plant Breeding Unit FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Austria

2019 – At present, scientific collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (MaghulyTeams).

2011 – At present, scientific collaboration with the team of the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Plant Biotechnology of the Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin – collaboration with Beata Myśków PhD, DSc, ZUT Prof. Stefan Stojałowski PhD, DSc, and Dr. Magdalena Góralska

2011 – At present, Rzeszów University of Technology, Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Chemistry – collaboration with Prof. Mirosław Tyrka

2011 – At present, University of Rzeszów, College of Life Sciences, Institute of Biology and Biotechnology (collaboration with Dr. Małgorzatą Karbarz)

2017–- at present, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods  (collaboration with Janem Bocianowskim PhD, DSc,)


Czyczyło-Mysza I. Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling photochemical and photosynthetic activity and yield of wheat plants under drought conditions using a mapping population of CSDH lines. Monografie 16. Wyd. IFR PAN, Kraków 2013, ISBN 978-83-86878-31-4, s. 151 (in Polish).


Skrzypek E., Czyczyło-Mysza I., Wędzony M. 2011. Micropropagation. In: Pratap A., Kumar J. (Eds), Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes, CABI Wallingford, United Kingdom, 147-158.

Czyczyło-Mysza I. Auksyny. 2011. W: Fizjologia Roślin Sadowniczych. Jankiewicz L.S., Lipecki J. (Ed), PWN Warszawa, str: 8 – 13.

Warchoł M., Dziurka K., Czyczyło-Mysza I., Juzoń K., Marcińska I., Skrzypek E. (2021) Oat (Avena sativa L.) anther culture. In: Doubled Haploid Technology: General Topics, Alliaceae, Cereals (ed J.M. Segui-Simarro), pp. 313-322.

Skrzypek E., Warchoł M., Czyczyło-Mysza I., Juzoń K., Dziurka K., Marcińska I. (2021)  Oat doubled haploid production through wide hybridization with maize. In: Doubled Haploid Technology: General Topics, Alliaceae, Cereals (ed J.M. Segui-Simarro), pp. 323-332.


1999 travel grant from FEBS for 26th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies

2002 PhD thesis with distinction from University of Agriculture in Kraków and award from Director of IPP PAS

2009 collective award of  the 5th Division of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for studies concerning physiological and biochemical adaptactions to drought stress in maize and triticale

2014 distinction from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the achievements in the field of agriculture, rural development, agricultural markets, and fishery. Topic: Obtaining of oat (Avena sativa L.) doubled haploid lines by the wide crossing method. Authors IPP PAS: dr hab. inż. Edyta Skrzypek, prof. dr hab. Izabela Marcińska, dr hab. inż. Ilona Czyczyło-Mysza, dr Kinga Dziurka, dr Agata Nowakowska, SHR Sp. z o.o., Gr. IHAR: dr inż. Zygmunt Nita, inż. Krystyna Werwińska

2021 distinction from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the achievements in the field of agriculture, rural development, agricultural markets, and fishery. Topic: Development of a line of dietary solutions and food products with high pro-health properties. Authors IPP PAS: dr hab. inż. Ilona Czyczyło-Mysza (team leader), prof. dr hab. inż. Elżbieta Pisulewska, prof. dr hab. inż. Franciszek Janowiak, dr hab. Piotr Waligórski, dr hab. inż. Anna Janeczko, mgr inż. Kamila Laskoś, dr inż. Szymon Polaszczyk, dr Iwona Sadura.


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