Dr Magdalena Ryś

Deacclimation • Role of allelopathy in plant development • FT-Raman spectroscopy in plant physiology


    • Ryś M.
    • Stachurska  J.
    • Rudolphi-Szydło E.
    • Dziurka M.
    • Waligórski P.
    • Filek M.
    • Janeczko A.
    • Does deacclimation reverse the changes in structural/physicochemical properties of the chloroplast membranes that are induced by cold acclimation in oilseed rape?.
    • 2024.
    • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 214:108961.
    • Stachurska  J.
    • Sadura-Berg I.
    • Jurczyk B.
    • Rudolphi-Szydło E.
    • Dyba B.
    • Pociecha E.
    • Ostrowska A.
    • Ryś M.
    • Kvasnica M.
    • Oklestkova
    • Janeczko A.
    • Cold acclimation and deacclimation of winter oilseed rape, with special attention being paid to the role of brassinosteroids.
    • 2024.
    • International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 6010.
    • Słowinski K.
    • Grygierzec B.
    • Wajs-Bonikowska A.
    • Baran A.
    • Tabor S.
    • Waligórski P.
    • Ryś M.
    • Bocianowski J.
    • Synowiec A.
    • Biochemistry of microwave controlled Heracleum sosnowskyi (Manden.) roots with an ecotoxicological aspect.
    • 2024.
    • Scientific Reports, 14: 14260.
    • Ryś M.
    • Miastkowska M.
    • Łętocha A.
    • Wajs‑Bonikowska A.
    • Lorenzo P.
    • Synowiec A.
    • The effect of caraway oil‑loaded bio‑nanoemulsions on the growth and performance of barnyard grass and maize.
    • 2024.
    • Scientific Reports, 14: 4313 .
    • Ryś M.
    • Saja-Garbarz D.
    • Fodor J.
    • Oliwa J.
    • Gullner G.
    • Juhász C.
    • Kornaś A.
    • Skoczowski A.
    • Gruszka D.
    • Janeczko A.
    • Barna B.
    • Heat pre-treatment modified host and non-host interactions of powdery mildew with barley brassinosteroid mutants and wild types.
    • 2024.
    • Life, 14: 160.
more publications


2007 - 2011
PhD student at the International Doctoral Studies in Natural Sciences at the Polish Academy of Science in Cracow
doctor degree in biology
specialization: plant physiology
Title of thesis: "Impact of plant extracts with different allelopathic activity on the metbolism of mustard, rape, wheat and clover seedlings".
2002 – 2007
master student at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Faculty of Chemistry
master degree in chemistry
specialization: environmental analytics
Title of thesis: "The study of allelopathic interactions beteen plants using isothermal calorimetry".
2005 - 2007
Pedagogical Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow
specialization: teaching of chemistry
1998 – 2002
High School No. III in Cracow, bio-chemical class's profil 
2013 - now
Assistant Professor in Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Science in Cracow
2011 - 2013
Assistant in Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Science in Cracow
2007 – 2011
Chemist in Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Science in Cracow 

Publications (2009-2013)

Odrzywolska-Hasiec M., Troć M. [Ryś M.], Oklejewicz K., Skoczowski A. 2013. Wpływ wysokości nad poziomem morza na stan fizjologiczny liści olszy zielonej (Alnus viridis DC) w Bieszczadach. Czasopismo Naukowo – Kulturalne EPISTEME (ISSN 1895-4421), 18(3): 111 - 119.
Cencora A., Troć M. [Ryś M.], Oklejewicz K., Skoczowski A. 2013. Porównanie wybranych cech fizjologicznych roślin Hieracium aurantiacum L. rosnących w obrębie zwartego zasięgu i poza lokalną północną granicą zasięgu. Czasopismo Naukowo – Kulturalne EPISTEME (ISSN 1895-4421), 18(3): 29 - 39.
Skoczowski A., Troć M.
[Ryś M.], 2013. Isothermal calorimetry and Raman spectroscopy to study response of plants to abiotic and biotic stress. In: "Molecular Stress Physiology of Plants", Rout G.R., Das A.B. (Eds.), Springer.
Troć M. [Ryś M.], Saja D., Kornas A., Żuraw A., Skoczowski A., 2011. Strong endothermic effects caused by allelopathic interactions during growth of mustard, rape, wheat and clover seedlings. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 104: 141 – 148.
Skoczowski A., Troć M. 
[Ryś M.], Baran A., Baranska M., 2011. Impact of sunflower and mustard leave extracts on the growth and dark respiration of mustard seedlings. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 104: 187 – 192.
Saja D., Troć M. [Ryś M.], Stokłosa A., Skoczowski A. 2011, Innowacyjne metody oceny odporności chwastów na herbicydy, Rola dokonań młodych naukowców a możliwości osiągnięcia sukcesu naukowego i zawodowego Monografia 2011 pod redakcją: dr itp., Marcin Kuczera, Tom II, 120-123
Troć M.[Ryś M.], Skoczowski A., Barańska M., 2009. The influence of sunflower and mustard leaf extracts on the germination of mustard seeds. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 95: 727 – 730.