Prof. dr. hab Andrzej Maria Skoczowski
Joint Laboratory of Enzymatic Biotechnology and Catalysis
(+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ext. 130)
- Stawoska I.
- Saja-Garbarz D.
- Skoczowski A.
- Kania A.
- Application of vibrational spectroscopy for plant tissue analysis – case study.
- 2024.
- Polish Journal of Natural Sciences, 39: 53–74.
- Ryś M.
- Saja-Garbarz D.
- Fodor J.
- Oliwa J.
- Gullner G.
- Juhász C.
- Kornaś A.
- Skoczowski A.
- Gruszka D.
- Janeczko A.
- Barna B.
- Heat pre-treatment modified host and non-host interactions of powdery mildew with barley brassinosteroid mutants and wild types.
- 2024.
- Life, 14: 160.
- Skoczowski A.
- Oliwa, J.
- Stawoska, I.
- Ryś M.
- Kocurek, M.
- Czyczyło-Mysza I.
- The spectral compositions of light changes physiological response of chinese cabbage to elevated ozone concentrationconcentration.
- 2022.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23: 2941.
- Saja D.
- Janeczko A.
- Barna B.
- Skoczowski A.
- Dziurka M.
- Dziurka M.
- Kornaś A
- Gullner G
- Powdery mildew-induced hormonal and photosynthetic changes in barley near isogenic lines carrying various resistant genes.
- 2020.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 4536.
- Janeczko A.
- Saja D.
- Dziurka M.
- Gullner G.
- Kornaś A.
- Skoczowski A.
- Gruszka D.
- Barna B.
- Brassinosteroid deficiency caused by the mutation of the HvDWARF gene influences the reactions of barley to powdery mildew.
- 2019.
- Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 108: 101438.
- Oliwa J.
- Stawoska I.
- Janeczko A.
- Oklestkova J.
- Skoczowski A.
- Response of the photosynthetic apparatus in the tropical fern Platycerium bifurcatum to increased ozone concentration.
- 2019.
- Photosynthetica, 57: 1119-1129.
Biostrateg2/298241/10/NCBIR/2016 (akronim CROPTECH),
Optimization of industrial bioethanol production technology from maize grain. task no. 5: Development of wet corn maize ozonation technology -
The way to commercialize the results of bioscience research
2011 - Professor of Biology, Pedagogical University of Cracow
1999 - habilitation in agricultural sciences, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
1984 - Ph. D. in agricultural sciences, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
1974 - MSc, chemistry, Jagiellonian University
1975 - continues; Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2007 - continues; Pedagogical University of Krakow, Department of Plant Physiology
1975 - 1985; research and senior research assistant at the Department (now Institute) of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPP PAS)
1985 - 2000; adiunkt at IPP PAS
2000 - 2010; docent at IPP PAS
2010 - continues; associate professor of IPP PAS
2007 - 2011; associate professor of Pedagogical University of Cracow
2011 - continues; professor of Pedagogical University of Cracow
2000-2008; Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2005-2013; Deputy Head of Department of Developmental Biology IPP PAS
2002-2013; Founder and head of the Joint Laboratory of Biotechnology and Enzymatic Catalysis organized together with the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
2007-2013; Head of Plant Physilogy Department of the Institute of Biology, Pedagogical Universtty of Cracow
1995-2000; Head of Biochemical and Biophysical Laboratory in IPP PAS
Plant responses to abiotic and biotic stress factors
Termoinduction of generative development (vernalization)
Cold induced changes in physico-chemical properties of plasma membranes
Isothermal microcalorymetry including: titration, perfusion, RH perfusion and closed ampoule techniques
Isolation and purification of plasma membranes by aqueous polymer two-phase partition
FT-Raman sectrometry
Investigations with labeled compounds
Gas Chromatography (GC) - fatty acids, sterols and sugars
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) - lipids and other compounds
Liquid chromatography (FPLC, HPLC)
Various techniques concerning determination of enzymes activity
Photosynthetical activity with non-invasive methods
Other, chemical and biochemical, laboratory techniques
List of publications available on the websites:
Rys M., Juhasz C., Surowka E., Janeczko A., Saja D., Tobias I., Skoczowski A., Balazs Barna B., Gullner G. 2014. Comparison of a compatible and an incompatible pepper-tobamovirus interaction bybiochemical and non-invasive techniques: Chlorophyll a fluorescence, isothermal calorimetry and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 83, 267-278. Read more.
Kula M., Rys M., Skoczowski A. 2014. Far-red light (720 or 740 nm) improves growth and changes the chemical composition of Chlorella vulgaris. Eng. Life Sci., DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201400057 Read more.
Waga J., Skoczowski A. 2014. Development and characteristics of ω-gliadin-free wheat genotypes. Euphytica, 195(1), 105-116. Read more.
Kula M., Rys M., Możdżeń K., Skoczowski A. 2014. Metabolic activity, the chemical composition of biomass and photosynthetic activity of Chlorella vulgaris under different light spectra in photobioreactors. Eng. Life Sci., 14, 57-67. Read more.
Saja D., Ryś M., Stokłosa A., Skoczowski A. 2014. Physiological tests for early detection of rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Goud.) resistance to fenoxaprop-P. Acta Physiol. Plant. 36(2), 485-491. Read more.
Waga J., Zientarski J., Szaleniec M., Obtułowicz K., Dyga W., Skoczowski A. 2013. Null alleles in gliadin coding loci and wheat allergenic properties. Am. J. Plant Sci., 4(1) 160-168. Read more.
Rozpądek P., Ślesak I., Cebula S., Waligórski P., Dziurka M., Skoczowski A., Miszalski Z. 2013. Ozone fumigation results in accelerated growth and persistent changes in the antioxidant system of Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f. alba. J Plant Physiol. 170(14), 1259-1266. Read more.
Janeczko A., Tóbias I., Skoczowski A., Dubert F., Gullner G., Barna B. 2013. Progesterone moderates damage in Arabidopsis thaliana caused by infection with Pseudomonas syringae or P. fluorescens. Biologia Plant. 57(1), 169-173. Read more.
Waga J., Obtułowicz K., Zientarski J., Czarnobilska E., Skoczowski A. 2011. Purified wheat gliadin proteins as immunoglobulin E binding factors in wheat mediated allergies Am. J. Plant Sci., 2, 476-483, DOI:10.4236/ajps.2011.23056 Full text.
Troć M., Saja D., Kornas A., Żuraw A., Skoczowski A. 2011. Strong endothermic effects caused by allelopathic interactions during growth of mustard, rape, wheat and clover seedlings. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 104, 141-148. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-010-1236-4 Read more.
Skoczowski A., Troć M., Baran A., Baranska M. 2011. Impact of sunflower and mustard leave extracts on the growth and dark respiration of mustard seedlings. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 104, 187-192. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-010-1225-7 Read more.
Skoczowski A., Janeczko A., Gullner G., Tóbias I, Kornas A., Barna B. 2011. Response of brassinosteroid-treated oilseed rape cotyledons to infection with the wild type and HR-mutant of Pseudomonas syringae or with P. fluorescence. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 104, 131-139. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-010-1204-z Read more.
Troć M., Skoczowski A., Barańska M. 2009. The influence of sunflower and mustard leaf extracts on the germination of mustard seeds. J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 95, (3), 727–730. Read more.
Janeczko A., Hura K., Skoczowski A., Idzik I., Biesaga-Kościelniak J., Niemczyk E. 2009. Temperature-dependent impact of 24-epibrassinolide on the fatty acid composition and sugar content in winter oilseed rape callus. Acta Physiol. Plant., 31, 71-79. Read more.
Płażek A., Skoczowski A., Hura K., Libik M., Barna B. 2009. Accumulation of H2O2 and changes in antioxidative enzymes and β-1,3-glucanase in barley and meadow fescue leaves attacked by Bipolaris sorokiniana. Cereal Research Communications., 37(3), 399-408. Read more.
Janeczko A., Budziszewska B., Skoczowski A., Dybała M. 2008. Specific binding sites for progesterone and 17b-estradiol in cells of Triticum aestivum L. Acta Biochimica Polonica., 55 No. 4, 707-711. Read more.
Brindell M., Stawoska I., Supel J., Skoczowski A., Stochel G., van Eldik R. 2008. The reduction of (ImH)[trans-RumCl4(dmso)(Im)] under physiological conditions: preferential reaction of the reduced complex with human serum albumin. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 13, 909-918. Read more.
Baltruschat H., Fodor J., Harrach B.D., Niemczyk E., Barna B., Gullner G., Janeczko A., Kogel K-H., Schäfer P., Schwarczinger I., Zuccaro A., Skoczowski A. 2008. Salt tolerance of barley induced by the root endophyte Piriformospora indica is associated with a strong increase in antioxidants. New Phytologist, 180, 501-510. Read more.
Fodor J., Harrach B. D., Janeczko A., Barna B., Skoczowski A. 2007. Metabolic responses of tobacco to induction of systemic acquired resistance. Thermochimica Acta, 466, 29-34. Read more.
Grzesiak MT., Rzepka A., Hura T., Grzesiak S., Hura K., Filek W., Skoczowski A. 2007. Fluorescence excitation spectra of drought resistant and sensitive genotypes of triticale and maize. Photosynthetica, 45 (4), 606-611. Read more.
Janeczko A., Tóbias I., Skoczowski A., Dubert F., Gullner G., Barna B. 2007. Bacterial infection and pretreatment with 24-epibrassinolide markedly affect the heat emission and membrane permeability of rape cotyledons. Thermochimica Acta, 458, 88-91. Read more.
Grzesiak M.T., Rzepka A., Hura T., Hura K., Skoczowski A. 2007. Changes in response to drought stress of triticale and maize genotypes differing in drought tolerance. Photosynthetica, 45(2), 280-287. Read more.
Janeczko A., Gullner G., Skoczowski A., Dubert F., Barna B. 2007. Effects of brassinosteroid infiltration prior to cold treatment on ion leakage and pigment contents in rape leaves. Biol. Pant., 51 (2), 355-358. Read more.
Kupidłowska E., Gniazdowska A., Stępień J., Corbineau F., Vinci D., Skoczowski A., Janeczko A., Bogatek R. 2006. Impact of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Extracts Upon Reserve Mobilization and Energy Metabolism in Germinating Mustard (Sinapis alba L.) Seeds. J. Chem. Ecol., 32, 2569-2583. Read more.
Grzesiak M.T., Grzesiak S., Skoczowski A. 2006. Changes of leaf water potential and gas exchange during and after drought in triticale and maize genotypes differing in drought tolerance. Photosynthetica, 44 (4), 561-568. Read more.
Stokłosa A., Janeczko A., Skoczowski A., Kieć J. 2006. Isothermal calorimetry as a tool for estimating resistance of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) to aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides. Thermochimica Acta, 441, 203-206. Read more.
Janeczko A., Skoczowski A. 2005. Mammalian sex hormones in plants. Folia Histochem. et Cytobiol. 43 (2), 71-79. Read more.
Janeczko A., Kościelniak J., Pilipowicz M., Szarek-Łukaszewska G., Skoczowski A. 2005. Protection of winter rape photosystem 2 by 24 - epibrassinolide under cadmium stress. Photosynthetica, 43 (2), 293-298. Read more.
Ślesak H., Skoczowski A., Przywara L., 2004. Exogenous carbohydrate utilization by explants of Brassica napus L. cultured in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 79(1), 45-51. Read more.
Żur I., Skoczowski A., Pieńkowski S., Dubert F. 2002. Kinetics of 14C-labelled sucrose, myo-inositol and phosphatidylcholine uptake during induction and differentiation in Brassica napus callus culture. Acta Physiol. Plant., 24(1), 11-17. Read more.
Żur I., Skoczowski A., Niemczyk E., Dubert F. 2002. Changes in the composition of fatty acids and sterols of membrane lipids during induction and differentiation of Brassica napus (var. oleifera L.) callus. Acta Physiol. Plant., 24(1), 3-10. Read more.
Płażek A., Rapacz M., Skoczowski A. 2000. Effects of ozone fumigation on photosynthesis and membrane permeability in leaves of spring barley, meadow fescue, and winter rape. Photosynthetica, 38 (3), 409-413. Read more.
Miszalski Z., Niewiadomska E., Skoczowski A., Botton B. 1998. Chromatographic properties of the cadmium induced SOD isoform in Rhizopogon reseolus. Acta Physiol. Plant., 20, 229-233. Read more.
Skoczowski A., Filek M. 1994. Changes in fatty acids composition in the subcellular fraction from hypocotyls of winter rape growing at 2 °C and 20 °C. Plant Sci., 98, 127-133. Read more.
Skoczowski A., Filek M., Dubert F. 1994. The long-term effect of cold on the metabolism of winter wheat seedlings. II. Composition of fatty acid of phospholipids. J. therm. Biol., 19, 171-176. Read more.
Dubert F., Skoczowski A., Biesaga-Kościelniak J. 1994. The long-term effect of cold on the metabolism of winter wheat seedlings. I. Growth and hydration of seedlings at in vitro conditions. J. therm. Biol., 19, 103-110. Read more.
Dubert F., Biesaga-Kościelniak J., Marcińska I., Skoczowski A. 1993. The effect of cold and sucrose concentration on its uptake and on the respiration rate of isolated embryos of winter wheat. J. Agronomy & Crop Sci., 171, 305-313. Read more.
Filek M., Dubert F., Skoczowski A. 1992. Fatty acids composition and the hydrophilic properties of phospholipids in seedlings of spring and winter wheat growing at 20oC and 2oC. Physiol. Plant., 85, 129-132. Read more.
Dubert F., Filek M., Marcińska I., Skoczowski A. 1992. Influence of warm intervals on the effects of vernalization and the composition of phospholipid fatty acids in seedlings of winter wheat. J. Agronomy & Crop Sci., 168, 133-141. Read more.
Skoczowski A., Troć M. 2013. Isothermal calorimetry and Raman spectroscopy to study response of plants to abiotic and biotic stress. In: R.G. Ranjan and D.A. Bandhu, (Ed). Molecular Stress Physiology of Plants. Springer, pp. 263-288. ISBN 978-81-322-0806-8. Look Inside
Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences (since 1996).
Member of the Council of the Geography and Biology Faculty, Pedagogical University of Cracow (since 2007).
Member of the Council of the Institute of Biology, Pedagogical University of Cracow (since 2007)
Member of Scientific Council of the International Doctoral Studies in Natural Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow (since 2002)
Polish Botanical Society (since 1997)
Polish Society of Plant Experimental Biology (since 2001)
International Society for Biological Calorimetry (since 2006)
Lectures and courses at the Pedagogical University of Cracow
Plant physiology
The role of light in the processes of growth and development of plants
The phenomenon of allelopathy
Instrumental analysis
Isolation and analysis of lipids
Chemical analysis of environmental risks
- The founder (in the IPP PADS) of the largest Polish Isothermal Calorimetry Laboratory focused on biological research
- Co-organizer of the International Doctoral Studies in Natural Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków
- Co-organizer of scientific conferences "Application of in vitro cultures in plant physiology" (since 1995)
- The initiator and organizer of the first conferences "Ecophysiological Aspects of Plant Responses to Stress Factors" (since 1997)
- Co-organizer of the 14th FESPB Congress, August 23-27 2004, Cracow, Poland (the biggest meeting of world plant physiologists in post-war Poland)
- 4th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology. Experimental Plant Biology. Why not?! September 21–25, 2009, Cracow, Poland
- Member of the Scientific Comitee of the 41st ANNUAL MEETING OF ESNA (European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research) devoted to the topic: „Advances in agrobiology research and their benefits to the future“,24th – 28th September 2012, Stará Lesná, High Tatras, Slovak Republic
2009 The collective Award of the Division of Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for a series of scientific papers about "Physiological and biochemical reasons of variability of the reaction to of drought stress in different genotypes of maize and triticale"
2004 Golden Cross of the Republic of Poland for research achievements
1999 Distinction of habilitation dissertation by the Council of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Agricultural University of Krakow
1984 Award of the Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific achievement