Department of Developmental Biology
address: Niezapominajek 21, 30-239 Kraków
telephone: (+48) 12 4251833 (wew./ext. 108)
faks: (+48) 12 4251844
Scientific Staff
- Dr Monika Kula-Maximenko
- Dr Anna Maksymowicz
- Dr Magdalena Ryś
- Dr Iwona Sadura-Berg
- M. Sc. Julia Stachurska
- Dr hab. Piotr Waligórski
PHD Students
Project (2020–2023): “The role of brassinosteroid hormones in the resistance of barley against powdery mildew infection and abiotic stress effects”. (coordinator prof. dr hab. A. Janeczko)
Continuation of studies in project (2024-2026) "The role of silicon in the resistance of winter oilseed rape against pathogen infections during deacclimation" (coordinator dr M. Ryś)
We offer the following expertise for research projects and cooperation:
1. Measurements of plant chemical composition:
- plant hormones: ethylene, salicylic acid, cytokinins, auxins, poliamines, jasmonic acid
- vitamins: C, E, provitamin A
- other substances: caffeine, melatonin, sugars, proteins, fatty acids, total lipids, photosynthetic pigments, etc.
2. Measurements of oxidative stress enzymes activity (SOD, catalase, peroxidase).
3. Measurements of electrolyte leakage and osmotic potential.
4. Isolation of cell membranes (including isolation of chloroplasts) from plant material.
5. Measurements of plant tissue metabolic activity via calorimetric methods.
6. The algae cultivation under controlled light and temperature conditions.
- Janeczko A.
- Oklestkova J.
- Jurczyk B.
- Drygaś B.
- Pregnane derivatives in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and their potential role in generative development.
- 2025.
- Journal of Plant Research.
- Wojtania A.
- Waligórski P.
- Optimizing the micropropagation of red-stalked rhubarb selections: A strategy for mass production of high-quality planting material.
- 2025.
- Agronomy, 15: 27.
- Saja-Garbarz D.
- Godel-Jędrychowska K.
- Kurczyńska E.
- Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno M.
- Tuleja M.
- Gula E.
- Skubała K.
- Ryś M.
- Urban K.
- Kwiatkowska M.
- Libik-Konieczny M.
- The effect of silicon supplementation and drought stress on the deposition of callose and chemical components in the cell walls of the Brassica napus roots.
- 2024.
- BMC Plant Biology, 24: 1249.
- Stachurska J.
- Janeczko A.
- Zjawisko hartowania i rozhartowania roślin w kontekście zmian klimatu.
- 2024.
- Kosmos, 73: 181–188.
- Kula-Maximenko M.
- Hornyák M.
- Płażek A.
- Measurement of the light intensity and spectrum influence on plant growth and secondary metabolites of common buckwheat.
- 2024.
- In: Betekhtin A., Piński A. (eds.) Buckwheat: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2791. Humana, New York, USA: 133-137.
- Ryś M.
- Stachurska J.
- Rudolphi-Szydło E.
- Dziurka M.
- Waligórski P.
- Filek M.
- Janeczko A.
- Does deacclimation reverse the changes in structural/physicochemical properties of the chloroplast membranes that are induced by cold acclimation in oilseed rape?.
- 2024.
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 214: 108961.
Biochemical system of glandular trichome microenvironment, its biocatalytic properties and potential in biotechnology -
2022/06/X/NZ9/00780 MINIATURA,
Changes in the sugar management in response to dehardening as the one of thecauses of frost tolerance disorders in winter oilseed rape -
MRiRW nr 4,
Identyfikacja czynników warunkujących indukcję embriogenezy mikrospor u pszenicy zwyczajnej (Triticum aestivum L.) -
Physiological basis of the disturbances in frost tolerance of winter oilseed rape as a result of deaclimation processes – role of brassinosteroids -
Wykonanie prac badawczo-rozwojowych związanych z opracowaniem nowych zestawów dietetycznych bazujących na niezbędnych, nienasyconych kwasach tłuszczowych oraz dodatków, bazujących na kwasach tłuszczowych z grupy NNKT, do wybranych produktów spożywczych celem polepszenia ich wartości odżywczej i sensorycznej -
Changes in the intensity of selected physiological, biochemical and molecular processes caused by the simultaneous effect of soil compaction stress and soil drought in individual maize hybrids differing in the degree of sensitivity to these stresses -
2018/31/N/NZ9/02430 PRELUDIUM,
Brassinosteroids as factors modifying the molecular dynamics of model membranes and membranes isolated from barley plants. -
Biostrateg2/298241/10/NCBIR/2016 (akronim CROPTECH),
Optimization of industrial bioethanol production technology from maize grain. task no. 5: Development of wet corn maize ozonation technology -
Increasing of the use of proteins from lupine for the production of high quality animal products in terms of sustainable development -
Mutants of barley with disturbances of synthesis and signaling of brassinosteroids in studies of temperature stress