Department of Ecophysiology
address: Niezapominajek 21, 30-239 Kraków
telephone: (+48) 12 4253301 (wew./ext. 42)
faks: (+48) 12 4251844
Scientific Staff
- Prof. Stanisław Grzesiak
- Dr hab. Maciej Grzesiak
- Prof. Dr. hab. Eng. Franciszek Janowiak
- Dr Eng. Agnieszka Ostrowska
- Dr Diana Saja-Garbarz
- Dr hab. Ewa Surówka
- M. Sc Eng. Karolina Urban
PHD Students
Poster overview of the Department of Ecophysiology.
The main research area is integrated physiology of key crops at the level of the organism, organs and processes as well as their interaction with environmental conditions:
● daily changes of leaf gas exchange parameters, leaf water relations, chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, and membrane injury in plants subjected to various abiotic stresses
● preparation and implementation of physiological and laboratory tests for the assessment of crop sensitivity to shortage (drought) and excess (flooding) of soil water as well as multistress interaction of these factors with soil compaction stress
● quantitative and qualitative analysis of root system structure of seedlings and the impact of drought, flooding, and soil compaction stresses on root architecture
● root-to-shoot communication, hormonal balance (abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinins, ethylene, and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC, ethylene's precursor)) under drought, flooding, and low temperature (chilling, freezing) stresses
● role of abscisic acid (ABA) in plant reactions to abiotic and biotic stresses as well as in the regulation of the cell and tissue capacity for in vitro plant regeneration
● phenolics as plant photoprotectants, antioxidants, and hydrophobic stabilizers of cell wall under soil drought
Structural and functional characterization of loci determining the content of cell wall-bound phenolics under water stress in triticale
Financing agency: National Science Centre Poland
Project number: 2018/31/B/NZ9/00298
Leader: dr hab. Tomasz Hura
Participants from IPP PAS: dr Agnieszka Ostrowska
Years: 2019-2022
Changes in the intensity if selected physiological, biochemical and molecular processes caused by simultaneous exposure to soil compaction and soil drought stresses in single-cross maize hybrids differing is a susceptibility to both stresses
Financing agency: National Science Centre Poland
Project number: 2018/29/B/NZ9/01510
Leader: dr hab. Maciej Grzesiak
Participants from IPP PAS: prof. Stanisław Grzesiak, dr Michał Dziurka, dr Anna Maksymowicz
Years: 2019-2021
ERANET GAS – Genetic Adaptation of Sorghum: Genomics-based breeding of a sustainable, next-generation bioenergy crop for Europe
Financing agency: The National Centre for Research and Development, Program: ERA-NET Bioenergy
Consortium: ERANET GAS (Germany, Sweden, Poland)
Project number: ERA-NET-BIOENERGY/3/2013
Leader of the Polish part: Franciszek Janowiak
Participants from IPP PAS: Katarzyna Kaczanowska
Years: 2013-2016
● discovery of the beneficial influence of soil drought during vegetative growth phase of triticale on the mechanisms of adaptation to the next drought period during generative growth phase
Hura T, Hura K, Grzesiak MT (2011) J Agron Crop Sci 197: 113-123
● determination of the impact of soil compaction on morphological root structure, water potential, and leaf gas exchange in maize and triticale
Grzesiak MT (2009) Plant Root 3: 10-16
● discovery of the relationship between chilling tolerance level in maize seedlings and their capacity for quick ABA accumulation under chilling conditions
Janowiak F, Luck E, Dörffling K (2003) J Agron Crop Sci 189: 156-161
● determination of the role of ABA in the induction of the expression of dehydrin-like protein (DHN44) in beech seeds during maturation and dehydration tolerance acquirement
Kalemba ME, Janowiak F, Pukacka S (2009) Trees-Struct Funct 23: 305-315
● assessment of ABA changes in triticale anthers and their role in androgenesis
● discovery of the significant role of phenolics in drought adaptation mechanisms
Hura T, Grzesiak S, Hura K, Thiemt E, Tokarz K, Wędzony M (2007) Ann Bot 100: 767-775
Hura T, Hura K, Grzesiak S (2009) J Plant Physiol 166: 1720-1733
Hura T, Hura K, Grzesiak MT (2011) J Agron Crop Sci 197: 113-123
● contribution to the creation of the first genetic map of triticale
Tyrka M, Bednarek P, Kilian A, Wędzony M, Hura T, Bauer E (2011) Genome 54: 391-401
We offer the following expertise for research projects and cooperation:
● measurement of abscisic acid (ABA) content in plant material by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay)
as used in Dubas E, Janowiak F, Krzewska M, Hura T, Żur I (2013) Plant Cell Reports 32: 1465-1475
contact: Franciszek Janowiak,
● determination of total antioxidant activity – measurement of low-molecular antioxidants in plant tissues by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging method adopted to microtitration plates using common plate reader
contact: Franciszek Janowiak,
● measurement of phenolics level (free and cell-wall bound) and hydrogen peroxide content
as used in Hura T, Hura K, Grzesiak S (2009) J Plant Physiol 166: 1720-1733
contact: Tomasz Hura,
● analysis of the fluidity of biological membranes in cell suspension, protoplasts, and chloroplasts
as used in Dubas E, Janowiak F, Krzewska M, Hura T, Żur I (2013) Plant Cell Reports 32: 1465-1475
contact: Tomasz Hura,
● assessment of morphological traits of individual components of seedling root system (root number, length, and mass)
as used in Grzesiak MT (2009) Plant Root 3: 10-16
contact: Maciej Grzesiak,
● evaluation of the tolerance level of genotypes of different crop species to abiotic stresses under field and glasshouse conditions on the basis of yield changes and physiological/biochemical laboratory sensitivity tests
contact: Maciej Grzesiak,
● evaluation of changes in the general chemical composition of biological material in response to the effects of biotic and abiotic stresses
as used in Saja D, Ryś M, Skoczowski A (2016) Acta Physiol Plant 38: 168
contact: Diana Saja,
- Saja-Garbarz D.
- Godel-Jędrychowska K.
- Kurczyńska E.
- Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno M.
- Tuleja M.
- Gula E.
- Skubała K.
- Ryś M.
- Urban K.
- Kwiatkowska M.
- Libik-Konieczny M.
- The effect of silicon supplementation and drought stress on the deposition of callose and chemical components in the cell walls of the Brassica napus roots.
- 2024.
- BMC Plant Biology, 24: 1249.
- Stawoska I.
- Saja-Garbarz D.
- Skoczowski A.
- Kania A.
- Application of vibrational spectroscopy for plant tissue analysis – case study.
- 2024.
- Polish Journal of Natural Sciences, 39: 53–74.
- Juzoń-Sikora K.
- Laskoś K.
- Warchoł M.
- Czyczyło-Mysza I.
- Dziurka K.
- Grzesiak M.
- Skrzypek E.
- Water Relations and Physiological Traits Associated with the Yield Components of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
- 2024.
- Agriculture, 14: 1887.
- Hornyák M.
- Grzesiak M.
- Płażek A.
- Measurements of leaf gas-exchange parameters using portable CIRAS-3 infrared gas analyzer, with a Parkinson leaf chamber (PLC6).
- 2024.
- In: Betekhtin A., Piński A. (eds.) Buckwheat: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2791. Humana, New York, USA: 127-131.
- Stachurska J.
- Sadura-Berg I.
- Jurczyk B.
- Rudolphi-Szydło E.
- Dyba B.
- Pociecha E.
- Ostrowska A.
- Ryś M.
- Kvasnica M.
- Oklestkova
- Janeczko A.
- Cold acclimation and deacclimation of winter oilseed rape, with special attention being paid to the role of brassinosteroids.
- 2024.
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 6010.