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(1) Uncovering of physiological function and metabolism of brassinosteroids in context of acclimation and deacclimation of crop plants in conditions of changing climate;
(2) Studies of presence and physiological activity of mammalian steroid hormones and ecdysteroids (insect hormones) in plants.



Prof. Anna Janeczko


Magdalena Ryś Michał Dziurka Piotr Waligórski Iwona Sadura Julia Stachurska Monika Kula-Maximenko Anna Maksymowicz

Selected projects

‘Physiological basis of the disturbances in frost tolerance of winter oilseed rape as a result of deaclimation processes – role of brassinosteroids)’ principal investigator A. Janeczko
'Changes in the sugar management in response to dehardening as the one of the causes of frost tolerance disorders in winter oilseed rape' - principal investigator M. Ryś

Selected articles 

Ryś M. Stachurska  J. Rudolphi-Szydło E. Dziurka M. Waligórski P. Filek M. Janeczko A. 2024. Does deacclimation reverse the changes in structural/physicochemical properties of the chloroplast membranes that are induced by cold acclimation in oilseed rape? Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 214:108961.
Stachurska  J. Sadura-Berg I. Jurczyk B. Rudolphi-Szydło E. Dyba B. Pociecha E. Ostrowska A. Ryś M. Kvasnica M. Oklestkova Janeczko A. 2024. Cold acclimation and deacclimation of winter oilseed rape, with special attention being paid to the role of brassinosteroids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 6010.

Sadura I. Janeczko A. 2022. Brassinosteroids and the tolerance of cereals to low and high temperature stress: photosynthesis and the physicochemical properties of cell membranes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23: 342.

Janeczko A. Oklestkova J. Tarkowská D. Drygaś B. 2021. Naturally occurring ecdysteroids in Triticum aestivum L. and evaluation of fenarimol as a potential inhibitor of their biosynthesis in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22: 2855.

Rudolphi-Szydło E. Sadura I. Filek M. Gruszka D. Janeczko A. 2020. The impact of mutations in the HvCPD and HvBRI1 genes on the physicochemical properties of the membranes from barley acclimated to low/high temperatures. Cells: 9: 1125.

Sadura I. Libik-Konieczny M. Jurczyk B. Gruszka D. Janeczko A. 2020. Plasma membrane ATPase and the aquaporin HvPIP1 in barley brassinosteroid mutants acclimated to high and low temperature. 2020. Journal of Plant Physiology: 244: 153090.

Rys M., Pociecha E., Oliwa J., Ostrowska A., Jurczyk B., Saja D., Janeczko A. 2020. Deacclimation of Winter Oilseed Rape—Insight into Physiological Changes. Agronomy 10: 1565.

Janeczko A. Pociecha E. Dziurka M. Jurczyk B. Libik-Konieczny M. Oklestkova J. Pilarska M. Novak O. Filek M. Rudolphi-Skórska E. Sadura I. Siwek A. 2019. Changes in content of steroid regulators during cold hardening of winter wheat - steroid physiological/biochemical activity and impact on frost tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 139: 215-228.

Janeczko A. Estrogens and androgens in plants: The last 20 years of studies. 2021. Plants, 10: 2783.