
    Title Year
    of Launch
    of Completion
    Project Leaders Participants Project No. Financing Details sorting_name
    Biochemical system of glandular trichome microenvironment, its biocatalytic properties and potential in biotechnology 2024 2028 UMO-2023/49/B/NZ1/02898 NCN View Rodziewicz
    Określenie fizjologicznych i biochemicznych wskaźników tolerancji pszenicy ozimej (Triticum aestivum L.) na stres suszy i wysokiej temperatury 2021 2026 MRiRW nr 3 MRiRW View Juzoń-Sikora
    Identyfikacja czynników warunkujących indukcję embriogenezy mikrospor u pszenicy zwyczajnej (Triticum aestivum L.) 2021 2026 MRiRW nr 4 MRiRW View Żur
    Extreme climate events and biodiversity – effects of global warming on temperate grassland ecosystems 2020 2025
    • Arkadiusz Nowak - kierownik projektu
    • Nina Stolarczyk-Szlezak
    • Sebastian Świerszcz
    • Marcin Kotowski
    • Wojciech Pusz
    • Grzegorz Hebda
    2019/35/B/NZ8/03358 NCN View
    Changes in the sugar management in response to dehardening as the one of thecauses of frost tolerance disorders in winter oilseed rape 2022 2024 2022/06/X/NZ9/00780 MINIATURA NCN View Ryś
    Imaging changes in the physicochemical properties of oilseed rape tissues the influence of silicon under optimal hydratation and drought conditions 2022 2024 2022/06/X/NZ3/00555 MINIATURA NCN View Saja-Garbarz
    Physiological basis of the disturbances in frost tolerance of winter oilseed rape as a result of deaclimation processes – role of brassinosteroids 2020 2024 2019/35/B/NZ9/02868 NCN View Janeczko
    Intracellular carbon dioxide and redox state of plastoquinone pool as regulators of ethylene biosynthesis pathway 2020 2023
    • Zbigniew Miszalski
    2019/35/B/NZ9/01544 NCN View Miszalski
    Structural and functional characteristics of loci determining the level of cell wall phenols under conditions of water stress in triticale. 2019 2022 2018/31/B/NZ9/00298 NCN View Hura
    Changes in the intensity of selected physiological, biochemical and molecular processes caused by the simultaneous effect of soil compaction stress and soil drought in individual maize hybrids differing in the degree of sensitivity to these stresses 2019 2022 2018/29/B/NZ9/01510 NCN View Grzesiak
    Brassinosteroids as factors modifying the molecular dynamics of model membranes and membranes isolated from barley plants. 2019 2021 2018/31/N/NZ9/02430 PRELUDIUM NCN View Sadura-Berg
    Oxidative stress and its role in the regulation of embryogenesis in isolated microspore cultures of triticale (x Triticale Wittm.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 2016 2021 2015/18/M/NZ3/00348 National Science Centre View Żur
    Wykonanie prac badawczo-rozwojowych związanych z opracowaniem nowych zestawów dietetycznych bazujących na niezbędnych, nienasyconych kwasach tłuszczowych oraz dodatków, bazujących na kwasach tłuszczowych z grupy NNKT, do wybranych produktów spożywczych celem polepszenia ich wartości odżywczej i sensorycznej 2020 2020 POIR.02.03.02-12-0039/19-00 PARP innovation vouchers for SMEs View Czyczyło-Mysza
    Protocol for effective doubled haploids production by androgenesis for polish breeding materials of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2017 2020 Tango2/340285/NCBR/2017 National Centre of Research and Development View Żur
    Increasing of the use of proteins from lupine for the production of high quality animal products in terms of sustainable development 2016 2020 - Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development View Dubert
    Is 4-chloro-indolyl-3-acetic acid the death hormone in generative oat organs? 2017 2018
    2017/1/x/NZ9/01309 MINIATURA NCN View Dziurka
    Obtaining of oat doubled haploid lines by wide crossing method, and the identification of partial hybrids 2015 2018 PBS3/B8/17/2015 National Centre of Researc and Development View Skrzypek
    Optimization of industrial bioethanol production technology from maize grain. task no. 5: Development of wet corn maize ozonation technology 2017 2018 Biostrateg2/298241/10/NCBIR/2016 (akronim CROPTECH) National Centre of Research and Development View Skoczowski
    Identification of factors which determine drought and freezing tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 2014 2018 MRiRW, nr 26 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development View Żur
    Identification of factors determining the efficiency of doubled haploids production in rye (Secale cereale L.) through androgenesis and distant crosses 2015 2018 MRiRW, nr 84 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development View Dubas
    Analysis of mutations disrupting the formation of the wax layer in rye, and assessment of their impact on morphological, biochemical and physiological traits 2016 2018
    • Beata Myśków
    • I. Czyczyło-Mysza
    • Magdalena Góralska
    • Paweł Milczarski
    • Stefan Stojałowski
    • Arkadiusz Telesiński
    UMO-2015/17/B/NZ9/01694 National Science Centre View
    Mutants of barley with disturbances of synthesis and signaling of brassinosteroids in studies of temperature stress 2016 2018 2015/17/B/NZ9/01695 National Science Centre View Janeczko
    Structural-funcjonal modifications in natural and model cell membranes of wheat exposed on Fusarium toxin (zearalenone) - studies of selenium and brassinosteroid protective properties. 2015 2018 2014/15/B/NZ9/02192 National Science Centre View Filek
    Molecular basis of plant resistance to soil salinity: characterization of NADPH oxidase (RBOH) genes in halophyte Eutral salsugineum 2017 2018
    2017/1/X/NZ3/00293 MINIATURA NCN View Pilarska
    Rozwój izolowanego bielma: problemy morfogenezy i gromadzenia skrobi 2013 2017
    UMO-2012/07/B/NZ9/01325 National Science Centre View
    Role of steroids in frost hardening of winter wheat 2014 2017 2013/09/B/NZ9/01653 National Science Centre View Janeczko
    ERANET GAS - Genetic adaptation of sorgum - a new generation of energy crops for the sustainable development of Europe 2013 2016 ERA-NET-BIOENERGY/3/2013 National Centre of Research and Development View Janowiak
    Engegament of oxidative stress in steviol glycosides biosynthesis in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plants 2013 2016
    • Ż. Michalec-Warzecha
    2012/05/B/NZ9/01035 National Science Centre View Libik-Konieczny
    Characterisation of antioxidant system and the concentration of gibberellins in Stevia rebaudiana plants regenerated in vitro after transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes 2014 2016
    • Żaneta Michalec-Warzecha
    2013/09/N/NZ9/01650 National Science Centre View Michalec-Warzecha
    Determination of the physiological indicators of drought resistance of legume lines and cultivars 2011 2015
    • M. Maciejewski
    • M. Tatrzańska-Matuła
    Um. nr 2.1/2011 z IGR PAN Poznań Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development View Dubert
    The role of hydrogen peroxide in leaf senescence 2012 2015 2011/03/B/NZ9/01619 National Science Centre View Niewiadomska
    The innovative system of selection of barley and triticale based on the latest achievements fenomics and genomics - Task 7, Task 8 2012 2015
    PBS1/A8/1/2012 National Centre of Research and Development View Hura
    The innovative system of selection of barley and triticale based on the latest achievements fenomics and genomics - Task 5, Task 9 2012 2015
    PBS1/A8/1/2012 National Centre of Research and Development View
    Why vascular bundles differ from the parenchyma in pathogen resistance? 2011 2014
    2001/01/B/NZ9/02540 National Science Centre View Miszalski
    Defense and signal induced mechanisms in the optional halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystalllinum in response to salinity and biotic stress 2011 2014 830/1/N-COST/2010/11 National Science Centre, NC, COST FA0605 (INPAS) View Surówka
    The identification of proteins connected with androgenic responsiveness in triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm.) 2012 2014 2011/01/N/NZ9/02541 National Science Centre View Krzewska
    Studies on the biochemical basics of molecular adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus to soil drought at different growth stages of triticale 2011 2014 2011/01/B/NZ9/00019 National Science Centre View Hura
    Physiological, biochemical and morphological responses triticale and corn on the level of stress caused by different soil compaction, and the shortage or excess of water in the soil 2011 2014 N N310 782540 National Science Centre View Grzesiak
    Winter hardiness QTL location in triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm.) 2011 2014
    NN310 778 640 National Science Centre View
    The role of endogenous auxins: Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) in auxin homeostasis and androgenic effectivness enhancement in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) 2011 2014 2011/01/D/NZ9/02547 National Science Centre View Dubas
    Determination of the ability of selected plant species to grow in saline soil conditions and studies of the effectiveness of chemical growth stimulants and stress factors in mitigating the effects of salinity 2009 2014 813/N-COST/2010/0 National Science Centre, COST action FA0605 (INPAS) View Dubert
    Improvement of quality and quantity of crop of Fabaceae plants with to use new bioregulators 2010 2013 NN310 452238 National Science Center View Biesaga-Kościelniak
    The possibility of increasing the efficiency of androgenesis in triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm) by controlling the hormone balance and intensity of oxidative stress in anthers 2010 2013 N N310 452638 National Science Center View Żur
    Development of an efficient method of oat doubled haploid production 2013 2013 HOR hn-801-1/13 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Skrzypek
    Examination of the osmotic adaptation to drought 2011 2013 UDA-POIG.01.03.01-00-101/08-00 European Regional Development Fund and Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development View Filek
    Analysis of efficiency of antioxidant system under stress 2011 2013 UDA-POIG.01.03.01-00-101/08-00 European Regional Development Fund and Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development View Biesaga-Kościelniak
    The role of vitamin E and xanthophyll cycle in response of plants to salt stress 2011 2013
    • Ewa Urszula Kurczyńska
    • Dariusz Latowski
    • Marcin Rapacz
    N310 298639 Ministry of Science and Higher Education View Surówka
    The chloroplast defence and signalling mechanisms in halophytic plants 2010 2012 633/N-COST/09/2010/0 National Science Center, Action COST FA0605 (INPAS) View Niewiadomska
    Development of an efficient method of oat doubled haploid production 2012 2012 HOR hn-801-4/12 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Skrzypek
    Presence and physiological activity of steroid regulators (brassinolide and progesterone) in drought-stressed wheat 2011 2012
    818/N-COST/2010/0 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Janeczko
    Poliamines and phenolics activity in resistance reaction for soil drought of legume plants cultivated for proteins 2010 2012 621/N-COST/09/2010/0 NCS, Action COST FA0605 (INPAS) View Skrzypek
    The way to commercialize the results of bioscience research 2010 2012 WND-POKL.08.02.01-12-007/10 Program Operacyjny Kapitał Ludzki – Poddziałanie 8.2.1 View Skoczowski
    Signalling transduction in resistance to snow mould Microdochium nivale induced by cold 2010 2012 595/N-COST/2009/0605 National Science Center, Action COST FA0605 (INPAS) View Szechyńska-Hebda
    Physico-chemical indicators of interactions of polyamines with other antioxidants in conditions of drought and salinity stress 2009 2012 556/N-COST/2009/0 National Science Center, Action COST FA0605 (INPAS) View Filek
    The search for physiological indicators of increased tolerance of plants pea and yellow lupine to drought 2012 2012
    HOR hn-801-5/12 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Dubert
    Localization of QTL for androgenic response on triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.) 2009 2012 548/N-COST/2009/0 National Science Center, Action COST FA0604 (TRITIGEN) View Żur
    Optymalization methods for obtaining of doubled haploid oat Avena sativa L. 2010 2012 4521/B/P01/2010/38 Ministry of Science and Higher Education View Marcińska
    Physiological aspects of frost hardening of elephant grass (Miscanthus × gigantheus) and attempt to obtain plants with increased frost resistance 2009 2012 N N310 084736 National Science Center View Dubert
    Genetic and physiological markers of drought tolerance in spring wheat 2008 2011 192/N-COST/2008/0 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, COST action View Biesaga-Kościelniak
    Improvement of grain dietary value and drought resistance of oat plants by obtaining doubled haploid lines 2008 2011 N R12 002904 National Centre of Research and Development View Marcińska
    Genetic background of triticale resistance to Blumeria graminis 2007 2011
    PBZ-MNiSW-2/3/2006/20 Ministry of Science and Higher Education View
    The role of root-to-shoot communication in the tolerance of maize (Zea mays L) against drought and low temperature and its possible use in breeding new hybrids 2010 2011
    • J. Sawa
    N N310 441138 National Science Center View Janowiak
    Determination of polyamines and other osmoprotectants in stimulation of resistance of wheat to osmotic stress 2009 2011 480/N-COST/2009/0 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, Action COST FA0605 (INPAS View Marcińska
    Characterisation of MnSODII (MnSODII - like protein) and antioxidant systems in competention and determination to rhizogenesis in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L in vitro culture 2008 2011 N303 356935 National Science Center View Libik-Konieczny
    Development of an efficient method of oat doubled haploid production 2011 2011 HOR hn-801-3/11 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Skrzypek
    Localization of genes loci for quantitative traits (QTL) associated with the resistance of wheat to drought using map markers and doubled haploid lines population in correlation with the physiological parameters 2009 2011 479/N-COST/2009/0 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, Action COST FA0604 (TRITIGEN) View Czyczyło-Mysza
    The search for physiological indicators of increased tolerance of plants pea and yellow lupine to drought 2011 2011 HOR hn-801-2/11 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Dubert
    The search for physiological indicators of increased tolerance of plants pea and yellow lupine to drought 2010 2010 HOR hn - 078 dec/6/10 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Dubert
    Water use efficiency, yield and quality of tomato fruits under conditions of common and alternating deficit irrigation and of root colonization with endomycorrhiza (arbuscular mycorrhiza) 2009 2010
    NN 310 095336 National Science Center View Janowiak
    Cell wall-plasmalemma-cytoskeleton as a sensor in cold-induced plant resistance to fungal infection 2008 2010
    207350 Marie Curie European Reintegration View
    Development of an efficient method of oat doubled haploid production 2010 2010 HOR hn - 078 dec/7/10 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Skrzypek
    Development and implementation of the method of wheat doubled haploid production 2010 2010 HOR hn - 078 dec/8/10 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Marcińska
    Development and implementation of the method of wheat doubled haploid production 2009 2009 HOR hn- 4040-dec-21/09 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Marcińska
    Safe and High Quality Food Production using Low Quality Waters and Improved Irrigation Systems and Management 2005 2009
    • J. Sawa
    FOOD-CT-2005-023168 SAFIR UE 6 Program Ramowy: Priority 5 Food Quality and Safety STREP View Janowiak
    Development of an efficient method of oat doubled haploid production 2009 2009 HOR hn- 4040-dec-24/09 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Skrzypek
    Genetic resistance to fungal-born deceases necessary for sustainable, low input agriculture – genetic and physiologic basis of triticale (xTriticosecale) resistance to snow mould resulted from Microdochium nivale infection 2007 2009
    MNiSW 7/COS/2007/01 Ministry of Science and Higher Education, COST Action View
    Safe and high quality food production using low quality waters and improved irrigation systems and management 2007 2009
    • J. Sawa
    359/6. PR UE/2007/7 Ministry of Science and Higher Education View Janowiak
    The search for physiological indicators of increased tolerance of plants pea and yellow lupine to drought 2009 2009 HOR hn – 4040- dec-23/09 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Dubert
    The search for physiological indicators of increased tolerance of plants pea and yellow lupine to drought 2008 2008 HOR hn – 4040- dec – 14/08 Ministry of Science and Higher Education, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Dubert
    Development of an efficient method of oat doubled haploid production 2008 2008 HOR hn- 4040-dec-13/08 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Skrzypek
    Development and implementation of the method of wheat doubled haploid production 2008 2008 HOR hn- 4040-dec-11/08 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Marcińska
    Studies on the chlorophyll fluorescence and water status of triticale in relation to drought resistance 2008 2008 HOR hn- 4040-dec-12/08 Ministry Of Agriculture And Rural Development, The Department of Plant Breeding and Protection View Hura
    Usage of the natural regulators: brassinosteroids and zearalenone to improve yield of crops 2005 2008 2P06A01928 Ministry Of Scientific Research And Information Technology View Biesaga-Kościelniak
    Improvement and practical application of triticale hybrid breeding technology based on cytoplasmic male-sterility from Triticum timopheevi 2006 2007
    Umowa z dnia 1 maja 2006 DANKO Plant Breeding Company View