Water Relations and Physiological Traits Associated with the Yield Components of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
2024 |
Agriculture, 14: 1887 |
Crucial factors influencing the efficiency of androgenesis in oat (Avena sativa L.) through anther and microspore cultures |
2024 |
Agronomy, 14: 2394 |
Characterising biological and physiological drought signals in diverse parents of a wheat mapping population |
2024 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25: 6573 |
Comparative characteristics of oat doubled haploids and oat × maize addition lines: Anatomical features of the leaves, chlorophyll a fluorescence and yield parameters |
2024 |
PLoS ONE, 19: e0298072 |
Wosk epikutykularny liści jako cecha warunkująca odporność na suszę u zbóż |
2023 |
Postępy Biochemii, 69: 104-112 |
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In search of the relationship between the rye polyamine oxidase (PAO) gene and resistance to powdery mildew (PM) |
2023 |
Journal of Applied Genetics, 64: 65–70 |
QTL×QTL×QTL interaction effects for total phenolic content of wheat mapping population of CSDH lines under drought stress by weighted multiple linear regression |
2023 |
Agriculture, 13: 850 |
Variation between glaucous and non‑glaucous near‑isogenic lines of rye (Secale cereale L.) under drought stress |
2022 |
Scientific Reports, 12: 22486 |
The spectral compositions of light changes physiological response of chinese cabbage to elevated ozone concentrationconcentration |
2022 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23: 2941 |
The effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on the production of oat (Avena sativa L.) doubled haploid lines through wide hybridization |
2022 |
PeerJ: e12854 |
Anatomical and hormonal factors determining the development of haploid and zygotic embryos of oat (Avena sativa L.) |
2022 |
Scientific Reports, 12: 548 |
Correlation between leaf epicuticular wax composition and structure, physio-biochemical traits and drought resistance in glaucous and non-glaucous near-isogenic lines of rye |
2021 |
Plant Journal, 108: 93-119 |
Identyfikacja czynników determinujących efektywność otrzymywania podwojonych haploidów żyta (Secale cereale L.) metodami androgenezy i krzyżowań oddalonych |
2021 |
Biuletyn IHAR, 295: 185–188 |
Oat doubled haploid production through wide hybridization with maize |
2021 |
Segui-Simarro J.M. (eds) Doubled Haploid Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2287: 323-332. Humana, New York, NY. |
Oat (Avena sativa L.) anther culture |
2021 |
Segui-Simarro J.M. (eds) Doubled Haploid Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2287: 313-322. Humana, New York, NY |
Herbal additives substantially modify antioxidant properties and tocopherol content of cold-pressed oils |
2021 |
Antioxidants, 10: 781 |
The effect of zinc, copper and silver ions on oat (Avena sativa L.) androgenesis |
2021 |
Plants, 10: 248 |
How machine learning methods helped find putative rye wax genes among GBS data |
2020 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 7501 |
Functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in response to drought stress in Oat × Maize addition lines |
2020 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 6958 |
Exogenous polyamines only indirectly induce stress tolerance in wheat growing in hydroponic culture under polyethylene glycol-induced osmotic stress |
2020 |
Life, 10: 151 |
3-D nucleus architecture in oat × maize addition lines |
2020 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 4280 |
Genetic parameters and QTL for total phenolic content and yield of wheat mapping population of CSDH lines under drought stress |
2019 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 6064 |
Chlorophyll fluorescence for prediction of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) susceptibility to drought |
2019 |
Photosynthetica, 57: 950-959 |
Factors inducing regeneration response in oat (Avena sativa L.) anther culture |
2019 |
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology -Plant, 55: 595-604 |
Endogenous phytohormone profile during oat (Avena sativa L.) haploid embryo development |
2019 |
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 55: 221–229 |
Study of wheat leaf compounds - an example of QTL analysis |
2018 |
Acta Carphatica, 28: 89-101 |
QTL analysis of moderate drought response in a rye recombinant inbred line (RIL) population shows co-localization of QTLs for morphological and physiological traits |
2018 |
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, 60: 59-67 |
Obtaining of winter rye (Secale cereale L.ssp. cereale) haploid embryos through hybridization with maize (Zea mays L.) |
2018 |
Cereal Research Communications, 46: 521–532 |
Putative candidate genes responsible for leaf rolling in rye (Secale cereale L.) |
2018 |
BMC Genetics, 19: 57 |
Study on changes and relationships of physiological and morphological parameters of rye subjected to soil drought stress |
2018 |
Acta Agrophysica, 25: 261-275 |
Genetic analysis of water loss of excised leaves associated with drought tolerance in wheat |
2018 |
PeerJ, 6: e506 |
Complex characterization of oat (Avena sativa L.) lines obtained by wide crossing with maize (Zea mays L.) |
2018 |
PeerJ, 6: e510 |
The effect of genotype, media composition, pH and sugar concentrations on oat (Avena sativa L.) doubled haploid production through oat × maize crosses |
2018 |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 40: 1-10 |
Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in the evaluation of oat DH lines yield components |
2017 |
Cereal Research Communications, 45: 665–674 |
Polyamines in yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) tolerance to soil drought |
2017 |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39: 202 |
Application of photochemical parameters and several indices based on phenotypical traits to assess intraspecific variation of oat (Avena sativa L.) tolerance to drought |
2017 |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39: 153 |
Analysis of the impact of drought on selected morphological, biochemical and physiological traits of rye inbred lines |
2017 |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39: 87 |
Conversion of oat (Avena sativa L.) haploid embryos into plants in relation to embryo developmental stage and regeneration media |
2016 |
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 52: 590-597 |
The effect of light intensity on the production of oat (Avena sativa L.) doubled haploids through oat × maize crosses |
2016 |
Cereal Research Communications, 44: 490-500 |
The effect of auxin and genotype on the production of Avena sativa L. doubled haploids lines |
2016 |
Plant Growth Regulation, 78: 155-165 |
Identification of QTLs associated with albino plant formation and some new facts concerning green versus albino ratio determinants in triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.) anther culture |
2015 |
Euphytica, 206: 263-278 |
Application of chosen factors in the wide crossing method for the production of oat double haploids |
2015 |
Open Life Sciences, 10: 112-118 |
QTL mapping for germination of seeds obtained from previous wheat generation under drought |
2014 |
Central European Journal of Biology, 9: 374-382 |
Alleviation of osmotic stress effects by exogenous application of salicylic or abscisic acid on wheat seedlings |
2013 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14: 13171-13193 |
Effect of soil drought on the yield structure, protein and phenolics content in Pisum sativum and Lupinus luteus |
2013 |
Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 61: 267-278 |
Zmiany zawartości osmoprotektantów w liściach grochu siewnego i łubinu żółtego w warunkach suszy glebowej |
2013 |
Episteme: Czasopismo Naukowo-Kulturalne, 18: 169-177 |
Production of double haploids in oat (Avena sativa L.) by pollination with maize (Zea mays L.) |
2013 |
Central European Journal of Biology, 8: 306-313 |
Impact of osmotic stress on physiological and biochemical characteristics in drought susceptible and drought resistant wheat genotypes |
2013 |
Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 35: 451-461 |
Quantitative trait loci for leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in relation to biomass and yield in bread wheat and their chromosome deletion bin assignments |
2013 |
Molecular Breeding, 32: 189-210 |
The effect of ionizing radiation on vernalization, growth and development in winter wheat |
2013 |
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, 55: 23-28 |
Mapowanie QTL plonu i zawartości sacharozy w stresie suszy u pszenicy |
2012 |
Episteme, 14: 357-364 |
Indirect organogenesis of field bean (Vicia faba L. minor) |
2012 |
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica, 54: 102-108 |
Quantitative trait loci associated with androgenic responsiveness in triticale (x Triticosecale Wittm.) anther culture |
2012 |
Plant Cell Reports, 31: 2099-2108 |
Micropropagation |
2011 |
In: Biology and Breeding of Food Legumes. Pratap A., Kumar J. (eds), CABI Wallingford, United Kingdom: 147-153 |
Auksyny |
2011 |
W: Fizjologia roślin sadowniczych strefy umiarkowanej. Jankiewicz L.S., Lipecki J. (red.), PWN, Warszawa: 8-13 |
Identifying QTL for cold-induced resistance to Microdochium nivale in winter triticale |
2011 |
Plant Genetic Resources: characterization and utilization, 9: 296-299 |
Zmiany zawartości białek rozpuszczalnych i związków fenolowych w liściach grochu siewnego i łubinu żółtego w warunkach suszy glebowej |
2011 |
W: Biomeditech. Badania i Innowacje, Zeszyty Naukowe. Czubenko M., Merta T. (red.), Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańsk, 2011: 33-39 |
Mapping QTLs for yield components and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in wheat under three levels of water availability |
2011 |
Plant Genetic Resources: characterization and utilization, 9: 291-295 |
Wpływ wybranych czynników na indukcję androgenezy owsa (Avena Sativa L.) |
2009 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 534: 273-281 |
Zastosowanie diod LED w systemach doświetlania roślin wyzwaniem na dzisiaj i na jutro |
2009 |
Elektronika- Konstrukcje, Technologie, Zastosowania, 10: 73-77 |
Changes in root architecture and physiological characteristics of the above-ground part in maize and triticale seedlings grown in conditions of different soil compaction |
2008 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 524: 485-497 |
Emission and excitation spectra of drought-stressed and non-stressed maize and triticale seedling leaves |
2008 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 524: 151-166 |
Differential response of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) to the impact of drought and root submergence |
2008 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 524: 127-135 |
Prospects of androgenetic induction in Lupinus spp |
2008 |
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 94: 131-137 |
The modern proecological SSL-LED+PV system for supplementary irradiation of plants |
2007 |
Proceedings of the 31th International Conference and Exhibition IMAPS. Rzeszów-Krasiczyn, 23-26 September 2007: 291-294 |
High brightness leds supplied from autonomous pv installation in proecological irradiation systems for plants cultivation |
2007 |
Proceedings of the 22th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exibition. Fiera Milano, 3-7 September 2007: 3288-3291 |
Wpływ diod elektroluminescencyjnych (LED) na wzrost i morfologię kalusa bobiku |
2007 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 523: 69-82 |
Wpływ ingerencji w równowagę troficzną rośliny bobiku (Vicia faba L minor) na wielkość i strukturę plonów |
2002 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 481: 289-294 |
Czy podczas hodowli in vitro można ograniczyć reakcje stresowe w kulturach bobiku (Vicia faba ssp. minor)? |
1999 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 469: 651-656 |
Wpływ stresu powodowanego częściową defoliacją na plonowanie roślin bobiku w warunkach szklarniowych |
1999 |
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 469: 389-394 |
Zmiany zawartości fenoli w kalusie bobiku (Vicia faba ssp. minor) w trakcie hodowli in vitro |
1998 |
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Wpływ zawiązywania i wzrostu brodawek Rhizobium na plonowanie roślin bobiku w kulturach wodnych |
1998 |
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Wpływ różnych stężeń azotu na zawiązywanie i wzrost brodawek Rhizobium oraz intensywność fluorescencji chlorofilu roślin bobiku (Vicia faba ssp. minor) |
1998 |
In: Ecophysiological aspects of plant responses to stressfactors. Grzesiak S., Skoczowski A., Miszalski Z. (eds), ZFR PAN, Kraków: 159-162 |
The influence of various nitrogen concentration on the setting and growth of Rhizobium root nodules and the intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence in field bean (Vicia faba ssp. minor) plants in hydroponic cultures |
1998 |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 20: 37 |
The influence of various nitrogen concentration on the setting and growth of Rhizobium root nodulesand the intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence in field bean (Vicia faba ssp. minor) plants in hydroponic cultures |
1997 |
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 20: 37 |