Themes and Research Groups

The Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant  Physiology Polish Academy of Sciences (IPP PAS) combines basic science research with the high education on the 8th level. Our scientists are organized in Departments and small Research Groups that interact with each other across Agricultural and Natural Sciences connected in frame of three Scientific Themes.

RG are headed by Leaders. Below you can find a list of all our professors leading laboratories at IPP PAS.

Leaders >>

Scientific Themes >>

Zygotic/non-zygotic embryogenesis: from an embryo to plant >>

Aim: Identification of physiological and molecular networks that determine plant responsiveness to stress inducing reprogramming of gametophyte cells to produce haploid/doubled haploid (DHs) plants in some agriculturally  important crop species, and identification of factors associated with the generation of fertile DHs or intergeneric hybrids as a result of distant crossing.

Abiotic stress research >>

Aim: Uncovering a combination of key genes, proteins, metabolites, growth regulators, quantitative trait loci, physiological and molecular networks that mediate plant responses to drought and rehydratation, salinity, heat, cold, and other abiotic stresses.

Cyanobacteria and algae research >>

Aim: The physiology, biochemistry and evolution of microorganisms that carry out oxygenic photosynthesis, i.e. cyanobacteria and microalgae.